13 | Right and Wrong

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"Rumors sometimes say what's true"

When I get back home Evie and Holly are suddenly all over me, attacking me with all sorts of questions about where I was last night and whose clothes I'm wearing. I brush it off by practically telling them it was a random guy from the bar. They don't have to know about my illegal affair with Tom. They don't really seem to believe me though, considering I've never had sex before. Well, before this morning. Still, they let it drop and leave me alone for the rest of the day.

I just can't tell them about Tom and I. I know I can trust them with my life but I still don't want to risk messing up Tom's reputation. I would never forgive myself if anyone found out. This morning was a mistake and as much as I enjoyed it, it shouldn't have happened.

What am I going to do now, anyway? Just pretend like it never happened? Oh god, why do I keep getting myself into situations like these?

Now, I not only have to worry about my mother but also about the relationship between Tom and I and it's both eating me alive. It's too much to handle right now.

In my room, I strip out of Tom's clothes and fold them neatly to put them to the other set I never gave him back. I put on my own shirt and a pair of leggings and pass out on my bed, still tired from the night before. Hours later, I wake up to someone entering my room and quickly sit up on my bed.

"Hey, it's just me," Holly is holding a tray with food in her left hand while closing the door with her right. "I wanted to check up on you."

I nod and she sits down on the edge of my bed.

"How are you feeling?" she asks with a worried expression on her face.

"Honestly, not really good," I admit in a tired voice.

"Here, you need to eat something," she places the tray on my lab and I find pancakes with some fruit.

"Thank you," I accept the food, not planning on eating it though.

"I need to talk to you about something," she starts and I find myself getting nervous.

"What is it?" I ask biting my bottom lip.

"Well, the last time you were at school... You remember? Before you walked out you... said Tom instead of Mr. Felton," she eyes me for a second to make sure I'm okay before she continues. "There are just some rumors but I'm sure it's nothing. It's already getting less... I just wanted you to know before you return tomorrow... to be safe and not do anything stupid."

I desperately try to swallow the lump that has built up in my throat, but it seems like an impossible task. My palms begin to sweat and I soon feel very dizzy.

"You know, there's nothing going on between Tom and I," I lie straight into her face and she can see right through me.

"You don't have to lie to us, Mika," Holly sighs and takes my hand to give it a comforting squeeze. "We support you, no matter what and we would never spill the secret, you know that... I just don't want Tom to get in trouble and I know you don't want that either."

Her eyes search mine and her expression is filled with worry. She let's go of my hand and smiles slightly before she continues.

"Just be careful, okay?"

I nod and she gets up from my bed, leaving the trey behind.

"Well, that's all. I hope you feel better soon," she turn around and leaves my room.

I'm left with a trey of food I can't get down my throat and a million thoughts I can't get out of my head. After our conversation, sleep doesn't come easy to me and I lay awake for hours trying to clear my mind but it doesn't work. Every time I close my eyes, I'm reminded of the feeling of Tom inside of me and the horror of having to face him in class tomorrow. The constant fear of my mother not waking up again and the anxiety of anyone finding out about Tom's and my relationship. Millions of terrible scenarios are playing in my head over and over again, torturing me to insanity.

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