1 | Love me Tinder

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"Love is only one swipe away"

It's a Friday night at the end of summer. I swing myself onto the cheap couch next to Evelyn who has her arms crossed in front of her and is pouting at the turned-off TV.

"We will go there some other time, Evie... I promise," I say as she looks away from me.

It took Holly and me the entire afternoon to convince her to have a girls night instead of going out. I'm usually against partying and since Holly has a girlfriend now she isn't much of a fan anymore either.

"You say that every week!" Evie protests as Holly sits down on her other side.

"You know that Mika hates partying... Let's just have a great time," Holly tries to convince her. "Just the three of us before the new semester starts on Monday."

We all go to the same university in London and study Music and Drama. That's how we became friends and roommates in the first place. I've always wanted to become an actress and the same goes for Evie and Holly, though Evie doesn't take it as seriously as Holly and I do. She is more like a 'live in the moment' kind of person, whereas I worry way too much about my future.

"Fine... then let's do something fun at least," Evie looks at the both of us and a sudden grin appears on her face. "How about we make a Tinder profile for Mika?"

"No way! That's not going to happen!" I protest immediately, though I already know I have no choice when I see Holly's face lighten up.

She claps her hands together in excitement.
"Yessss! What a great idea!" she shrieks and I sigh.

"I'm really not looking for a boyfriend, guys... I swear, I have got no time for this... and besides, I hardly believe I'm going to meet my soulmate on Tinder!" I explain while shaking my head.

"Well, Grace and Holly met on Tinder," Evie disagrees, "but it isn't about meeting your soulmate anyway, Mika. You're so old fashioned... Go out, meet some guys, have fun! You're missing out."

Easy for her to say. Every Saturday when I come into the kitchen I find a different guy that Evie brought home the night before. I get why the guys like her. She has a clean heart-shaped face with soft blue eyes. Her long black hair falls straight over her chest. She's skinny but has curves in the right places. And on top of that she's super confident. I don't know how she does it though. I could never just sleep with someone without having any feelings. But what do I know about it? I've never even had a boyfriend.

"Please, Mika," Holly's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"All right... Do it then," I give in annoyed and Evie takes my phone immediately to download the App.

"Okay, first we need to put your name... Do you want me to write your full name or just 'Mika'?"

"Just put 'Mika'," I growl.

"All right... Birthday? No wait, I know that one," Evie mumbles as her fingers glide over my phone screen that I can't see because she holds it away from me.

Holly whispers something into her ear and points at the phone as they both look at it, completely ignoring my questions about what they're doing.

"Okay, all done," Evie smiles brightly and hands me my phone.

I look down and see a picture of myself smiling with the caption 'Mika, 20'. My long brown hair falls over my shoulders in light waves and my almond-shaped brown eyes are hidden underneath my glasses. It's a picture Holly took of me when we were taking a stroll through the park near our apartment. The blue jeans I wore that day don't fit me anymore, but the yellow crop-top with the sunflower embroidery is still one of my favorite pieces. I click through the other photos they chose. One shows me in my favorite cafe with a biscuit in my hand, smiling brightly and in the next one I'm sitting in an armchair reading a book. There's another one of me playing my guitar and the last one was taken on the beach. I'm laying on a towel with sunglasses in a red bikini. It shows all of my insecurities.

"Can we take out the last picture?" I ask slightly uncomfortable.

"No way, it's hella sexy!" says Holly and I just nod looking down at my phone again and clicking on more information.

The rest of my profile pops up. In the job field they didn't put the name of our school but that I'm studying Music and Drama and it says 'London' next to the little house symbol. As interests they put 'Music', 'Acting', 'Reading', 'Art' and 'Netflix'. Surprisingly accurate.

"You need to choose a song now. It'll be displayed on your profile," Holly says excitedly.
I pick 'Last Night on Earth' by Green Day and it tells me that my profile is complete.

"This is so stupid," I say as I give Evie my phone and she starts swiping.

"Just wait until we find you your dream guy," she says grinning from one ear to the other.

"I'm getting us ice cream," I stand up from the couch and walk into our tiny kitchen.

They both didn't even notice I left. They're too focused on my phone swiping left and right. Somehow I now wish that we had gone out partying. I'm about to take the ice scream out of the freezer when I hear Holly calling me over.

"Mika, you won't believe who we found!"

"Let me guess... My soulmate," I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Look!" Evie shoves the phone into my face and I take it out of her hands to see a man with dark blonde hair smiling at me.

His eyes are blue like the perfect spring sky and his smile warmer than the pleasant sun. There are a few wrinkles on his forehead and dimples on either corner of his lips. He has stumbles on his jaw, chin and upper lip that indicate a freshly shaven beard. 'Tom, 29' it says underneath his picture. He seems so familiar.

I look at them in confusion and Evie rolls her eyes at me.

"That's Tom Felton!" she clarifies while I frown.

"The actor of Draco Malfoy...?" Holly reminds me and I suddenly realize.

I gape at them not knowing what to say and then start scrolling through his profile.

His pictures are absolutely wholesome. He has one of him on a skateboard where he's wearing a hot pink tank top layered with a light blue shirt and paired with white jeans and a hat. Then there are several with a black Labrador puppy and one of him playing the guitar. The last picture shows him on a bed with a mug in his hands cuddled into a blanket. In some of his pictures he's also wearing glasses.

I scroll further down:
Musician and Actor, lives in London - only 30 kilometers away.

He put 'Music', 'Acting', 'Movies', 'Dog lover' and 'Fishing' and the first two fields glow red to symbolize our common interests.

And his song - no it can't be - is the same as mine.

"What are you waiting for? Swipe right on him!" Evie commands as she snaps the phone out of my hands and does it herself.

She shrieks. "It's a match!"

"No way!" Holly takes the phone from Evie and a grin spreads across her face.

Holly shoves the phone under my nose for me to look and my eyes widen. It really is a match.

"We definitely found your soulmate, Mika," Evie states in an 'I told you so' undertone and raises her eyebrows at me.

"Well, he probably swiped right on accident," I try to be realistic. "I mean, he's literally famous... not even speaking of the fact that he's nine years older than me."

"Shut up and be happy once in your life, will you?!" Holly sighs and looks down at the phone before looking up again.

"Should we text him or wait for him to text first?" she asks unsurely.

"How about we don't text him at all, let him be, delete this stupid App off of my phone and watch a movie or something?" I propose with an annoyed voice even though deep down I really feel the urge to text him. 

"You're such a killjoy!" Evie pouts but gives me my phone back anyways.

I put it on the coffee table in front of me and grab the remote to turn on the TV while I feel both of their eyes linger on me.

A/N: First chapter of my new Fanfiction. Let me know what you think about it :)

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