17 | Avoiding You

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"I'm sorry for every time I made you hurt"

Mika's POV:
(little overlap with the last chapter)

When we get to school, we're actually pretty early. Almost fifteen minutes. I gulp at the thought of seeing Tom again after avoiding him all day yesterday. It's so hard, but I have no choice with Amber. I know her. She's capable of anything and I know that she won't hesitate to publish that picture of us if I don't stay away from Tom.

We walk to the classroom and I feel my heart heavily pounding in my chest. Before opening the door, I take a deep breath. I stop dead in my tracks when my eyes land on Tom; Holly and Evie standing behind me.

Amber is kneeling in front of him and is about to stand up while Tom readjusts his belt. My eyes fill with tears and my lip is trembling. I can't believe him. I can't believe that he just takes the next best option to satisfy his desires.

When his eyes land on mine, I can't help but drown in my own hurt and pity. I don't see the beautiful spring sky in them anymore but a blustery ocean filled with ice cold water. It takes everything in me not to break into tears right here and now. He frowns and I can see wrinkles form on his forehead in worry. I shake my head with all the disappointment I could muster before detaching my gaze from his and turning around to leave. No-one follows me. A part of me wishes he would.

When I reach the restrooms, my glasses are foggy and the tears have left my eyes. The salty liquid runs over my cheeks into my mouth and down my chin. I cringe at the burning feeling in my eyes and the salty taste on my lips. I go into a stall and slowly slide down the wall until I'm sitting on the floor before taking off my glasses and burying my head in my arms. I sob and sob and sob, letting out everything that has built up the last days. It's just all becoming too much and I can't handle it. I can't handle the pain and the pressure and the worries and thoughts and everything. It's too much. I'm not strong enough. I sit there sobbing and pitying myself for the rest of the lesson, holding my breath every time someone enters.

Tom's POV:

I sit down at my desk and put my hands behind my head in desperation. Amber has a satisfied grin on her face as she innocently sits down on top of a table again. I take a deep breath to control my anger and to calm myself down. It takes everything in me not to chase after Mika, but I reckon she needs a moment to herself. She needs to calm down and I need to calm down and then we can talk. I can explain and we can clear things up and then- Honestly, I have no idea what happens then. The only thing I know is that I want her. No matter what it costs.

When I relaxed a little bit, I look up and see that most of my students have settled in already. Quickly, I put on a fake smile and welcome them all to the first practice.

"We will only take the rest of the week to practice. By next week, I expect you all to have memorized your lines, so we can actually start filming. All right?" I wait to make sure that nobody has a question. "Great. We'll start going through scene one."

The first practice was awful. Amber is terrible. She really is. She's not made for acting and I don't know why no-one's ever told her that. How did she even get into this school?
She puts zero feelings into her acting and it really shows that she's a cold-hearted bitch. It seems like she doesn't feel anything. It's horrible because I can't even criticize her. There's too much she holds against me. I sigh, already mentally preparing myself for the next weeks with her.

Mika's POV:

I re-joined classes after first period. Holly and Evie asked me if I'm alright but didn't dig deeper when I clearly showed no signs of wanting to talk about it. They just nodded and left me alone. Alone. I'm always alone and I feel so fucking lonely, but I guess that's my own fault. Always pushing people away, not talking to anyone. I just can't. It's so hard for me. The only person I can really talk to is my mum. She was asleep yesterday when I visited her, but I don't want to tell her about my problems either. She has enough to deal with at the moment.

After third period, I purposely avoid the corridor of the staff room and choose a longer path just like I did yesterday. Down the stairs, along the hall just to go up the stairs at the end of it again. What I'm doing is pathetic and probably immature, but I don't feel like seeing Tom. I don't want to look into his eyes anymore. It's so painful.

The lesson is boring and I don't really listen. My thoughts are so loud that I don't even have a choice anymore. I think I might go crazy.

It takes forever for the class to end and when the bell finally rings, I shoot up from my seat and go about my day. The problem is that I'm so excited for the day to end that I totally forgot I'm passing Tom's classroom on my way to fifth period. I only notice when I run into a man's chest. I look up and get lost in the comfort of his eyes, making me melt.

"Mika, I've been looking for you. Can we talk?" he raises his eyebrows slightly before he adds on. "Please?"

"I really can't. I have to-"

Tom cuts me off mid-sentence by pulling me into his empty classroom and closing the door behind us.

"Tom, what are you-" I begin but he puts his finger on my lips to silence me.

"Please let me explain." he says softly while eying me intently.

He moves his eyes from mine and lets them wander around the room for a moment before focusing on me again and deciding to speak.

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