Beat His Ass So Hard He Can't Shit For A Week

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Sinking my cola I gaze around my apartment and try to focus on the good things in my life. 

Taylor's art work litters the walls and mannequins dressed in my designs scatter the floor. This is what I wanted so desperately when I moved in with Taylor, my own space to be free and create, the space my father denied me as he attempted to pack me away into his doctor shaped box.

I heave in a deep breath of hard fought for freedom and struggle with all of the other more complex situations I have found myself in recently.

"Hey babe" Theo enters my apartment at his own will as usual, my inability to plan ahead causing me more problems than I can cope with .

"Theo..." It sounds strained as he kisses my hairline and squeezes my ass with both of his hands

"What's going on Mila? it's been over a week since I saw you" His words are innocent but at the same time his hands are pulling my body towards my bedroom and usually I would give in and go with it, his body knows mine, knows how to satisfy it within reason but after the close call in Cassidys bathroom, the close call between Callan and I, I can't pretend this is satisfying any part of me any more. If I'm going to have sex for the sake of the quick feel good factor then I would rather that sex was with Cal. I can't keep Theo hanging around like a puppy on a leash so I'm about take Taylor's advice and cut him free, I just hope he takes it as well as it's intended. He's an easy going guy, I doubt whatever our relationship has been goes too deep below the surface so I take some comfort that this should be pretty drama free and over quickly.

"Come on Mila, it's been over a week" his eyes are begging as his hands grip right on to my ass and pull me with force towards my bedroom

"No" my voice comes out harder and more desperate than I had intended and Theo pauses and looks down at me in surprise, me saying no probably had never been an option until a few days ago and it hits him apparently like a sledgehammer, the impact obvious on his face

"What's going on?"

His voice is cold and for a second I feel the fear I experienced when Wentworth first started to change during our 'date'

"Look it's been great, really, but it just not working for me anymore, I hope you understand but It's over" I force the words over my lips and then stand in anticipation of his reply

His head bobs up and down in acceptance of my words but his body doesn't make any effort to move

"I really am sorry, I hope we can still be friends" I'm trying to be honest but his body appears to have shut down, his head is bobbing in agreement, his hands moving further from mine his feet heading towards the door and then all of a sudden I see a crack of thunder in his eyes, his hands are suddenly on my wrists pulling me to him.

"This is cos of the rich guy isn't it?"

"No" I try to push him off me but for the first time I see something other than the blank look I'm accustomed to on his face. This is hurting him, that surprises me more than I can process right now as his finger tips dig roughly into my wrist "Theo get off me!!" My voice Is panicked, my experience in the toilet of Cassidy's still raw in my mind

"What's going on in here?"

As soon as Taylor sees my wrists in Theos grip she's across the room, her hands colliding hard with his chest

"Get of her right now!" he releases me enough for me to tear my wrists from him but before I can regroup his hand is raised and comes down hard on Taylor's face. She drops to the ground under the force of the collision and a scream involuntarily leaves my mouth, I don't know why but I reach for him but he just pushes me away, grabbing one of Taylor's paintings from the wall and smashing it to the ground, then he takes another and another until every piece of art lies broken at his feet

"Stop!" I scream as he grabs my mannequin and starts tearing the fabric from it before kicking it across the room so it hits me hard in the chest and I cry out in pain as Theos hands grab my cheeks and his face lowers to mine

"This" he motions to Taylor and I and then the disaster zone that's my home "Is just a taste of what he is going to get" pushing me away from him by the face he storms out of the apartment, slamming the door shut behind him

"Tay!" I scramble over to my friend and find her clutching her cheek, silent tears slipping over the reddened skin "Taylor I'm so sorry" I grab her in a hug and she wraps her arms around me tightly

"What an asshole" she whispers "I hope Callan beats his ass so hard he isn't able to shit for a month

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