31 | the break-in

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Asa and Din jumped down from the hatch after taking one last glance to the child's hiding spot. Asa unclipped her lightsabers from her belt, clutching them tightly and glancing around.

Din could see the tenseness in her body and he knew that she didn't want to be here, especially in a New Republic prisoner transport.

"All right, we're on the clock. The second we engage those droids, they're gonna be all over us."

"Correction, they'll be all over you." Asa replied smugly, pointing a finger in his direction.

"Ace." Din warned as they all followed Mayfeld. Asa shot him a dirty look from under her helmet before subtly flipping him off. He rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm, his other hand gripping his blaster.

They turned down another corridor and quietly walked past the cells holding prisoners. Din glanced at each of them to see if they were the one the group was looking for, but as they kept going, it was obvious their target wasn't here.

"I don't like this." Din commented and moved closer to Asa. She glanced to him, her body relaxing ever so slightly but she tensed again when she heard Xi'an speak.

"You always were paranoid." She said with a smirk while giving him a look she knew would provoke Asa. Din grabbed the woman's arm to keep her from harming the Twi'lek. Of course, this just enraged her even more.

"Is that true, Mando? Were you always paranoid?" Mayfeld joined in, a grin on his face.

A prisoner banged against its cell, roaring and grunting as it tried to get out. Mayfeld jumped back into Asa, the woman catching him by the arms and shoving him away from her.

"Hey, Mando! Tell your friend to keep her hands off."

"If you weren't such a pussy, you wouldn't have jumped into me and I wouldn't have had to catch you." Asa snapped back at him.

The group continued down the hall before making a left, Mando and Asa walking out first with their weapons drawn. She kept her lightsabers sheathed for the time being and for her identity's sake, but one wrong move from her teammates or enemy and she won't hesitate in taking them out.

Xi'an and Burg walked ahead of the three but stopped when a small droid came rolling down from the right corridor. Asa screwed her sabers together and got into a fighting stance, almost igniting it but stopped when she realized it was a harmless droid.

"What? It's just a little mousey." Burg said with a chuckle as he approached the small thing.

"Burg." Mayfeld whisper shouted in panic as the giant red being walked forward, blaster in hand.

Asa stepped forward, her double sided lightsaber in hand as she pushed past Din and Mayfeld.

"Ace!" Mando called after her but she didn't listen. She continued toward the red being but stopped when he shot the retreating droid.

"Great job, you dumb red fuck!" Asa commented in a sickly sweet voice. Electricity crackled over her arm and hands as she sarcastically clapped. "You ruined the mission."

Before Burg could attack Asa, security droids came marching in and started to fire. This time, Asa activated her sabers and started to spin them to block the oncoming fire. The other behind her stared in awe as she expertly.

"Are you idiots going to help me or am I going to have to do your sorry ass jobs for you!?" Asa shouted back. She couldn't get a good attack opening.

"Shut up, Bucket Head! Mando, lets go! I thought you were somethin' special!"

Asa glanced behind her, only to see that Din wasn't there. A grin surfaced on her face as she turned back around, knowing exactly what he was going to do. She pushed forward, her movements becoming faster as she untwisted the ends and slashed through two droids.

Din emerged from the opposite corridor, drawing his daggers and running at the droids who were focused on Asa. He slid on his knees and took out the leg of one of the droids. He managed to shoot two down, one of those being a droid who punched Asa's helmeted face, but another one tackled hi against the wall of cell door.

Asa stumbled to her feet from being knocked down and ran at the last two droids. Din held one in place and distracted the other before Asa slashed both of them in half, her red beams glowing against the armor of her outfit. She helped him up from the ground, her breathing muffled from underneath her helmet. If he could, he would kiss her on the spot and tell her how badass she was, but instead opted for a silent "thank you." She nodded before whipping around and slicing the last of the security droids in half.

"Make sure you two clean up your mess." Mayfeld said to them as Xi'an and Burg followed after him. Burg purposely ran into Asa's shoulder as he went by, the woman quickly following with her sheathed lightsaber held in the air.

"Ace, no!"

Din stopped her, his hand gripping her arm.

Asa glanced at him before yanking her arm away and jogging to keep up with the others. He followed shortly, muttering in annoyance under his breath.

Maker help me get through this without strangling Mayfeld...



but seriously, i am so so sorry for not updating for so long. these past couple months have been crazy and I haven't been able to update because of work and because of other things. not to mention i've been engrossed in anime and manga so my brain has been fixated on that and only that. but now i have fixated on star wars stuff so i have a couple new star wars stories on the way.

for those of you who stuck around, thank you so much for your patience. it means a lot.

and for those of you who are reading this now, thank you for your support and interest in this story. again, it means a lot.

i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you in the next chapter ;)

THE ARC OF SKYWALKER | a star wars story✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ