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TW: A lot of swear words 

George's POV:

'That sums it up.  It was a 2 years, since I escaped and got them all arrested.'  they're jaws dropped. 'Oh my gosh, George.. I am so sorry for what you've gone through..' 

 'Heh, its all good, Niki. There in jail now and I have nothing to worry about.' BadBoyHalo placed his hand on top of mine, 'If they ever come back we will fight them for you!' BayBoyHalo practically yelled it lifting my hand with his. 'Yeah!' Niki also through her hands up. 'the teacher is such a fucking cunt..' we all turned around to see Minx coming from behind. 'Hello guys.' 

 We all greeted and do what we usually do, we got to an alley and say spooky stories. 'My story is fucking scary! You are all just bitches!' Minx yelled at us. 'LANGUAGE'.

 'Stop saying fucking language you bitch!' BadBoyHalo whispered language again. 'boo.' we all screamed at the random boo that came out of someone elses mouth. 'SKEPPY!! YOU MUFFINHEAD!' Skeppy giggled and sat next to Bad, 'Sorry! it would've been to funny not too.' Niki and Minx were practically on each other scared. 

 'Skeppy, is that your friends walking towards us?' I blurted out. We all looked at the people walking towards us. I squinted my eyes and quickly realised who they were. 'we need to run, as fast we can right now.'  We all got up and started running before we were greeted with other people as both ends of the alley. That's when I started to panick. 'George?! Who are they and calm down!' Niki grabbed my arm. 'it- it- its them!' I was falling into Niki. We were all panicking as they got  closer. 'Oh Georgie.. We have finally found you.. you put us through so much misery in jail..' George grabbed onto Niki. Bad went in front of us with Minx and Skeppy. 'You fucking cunts better leave us alone or else!' Minx looked at one of them in the eye. Bad pulled out his knifes. 

 'You are outnumbered..' It was true, we were outnumbered by a lot. 'We can do this the hard way, or easy way!' at this point I was shaking uncontrollably. I was scared for my life. Bad threw a knife at one with pink hair and a red cape. He caught the knife. Bad looked down at his knifes then at them. 'We don't have any upper arm now..' Bad looked back to us.

  'Get them.' The pink haired guy grabbed Bad by his arm and put the knife thrown at him up to his neck. 'Now, come with us or this guy.. gets it.' Skeppy immediately went on their side were a tall guy grabbed him. 'You bitch! You are all motherfuckers!!'. Karl grabbed Minx and pulled her. Wait.. Karl! Now I truly know what was happening. 'George.. I dont think we have a choice..' nonononono, this cant be happening! NO!  

                  Okay- I am gonna post another chapter today have a good day/night<3

                                                                         508 words

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