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George's POV:

      Dream didn't feed me since that, it's been a week. Dream wouldn't let me choose the friend and just flat out tortured Skeppy.

   Dream came in without Skeppy, without anyone actually. Dream opened his mouth but closed it quickly and glanced at me. "George, now tell me." Dream looked down and up at me, while I just gave a confused look.

     "You're a virgin, right?" Dream said huskily. Yes, I was a virgin but it's none of his business to know. "No, I am not a virgin." I returned a glance.

        Dream bit his lip. Then started to walk closer to me, every step he took I'd step it back until I walked into the wall. Dream brought up three fingers to my mouth. I looked up at him, genuinely confused. Dream laughed at that, which made me pissed off.

     "So, you are a virgin." Dream walked away to the door placing a hand there. "Wanna make a bet?" Dream took his hand off the knob clapping his hand together in front of his stomach. It startled me.

      "It's like hide and seek. I will let you go and if I can't find you in.. a week. I'll let you and your friends go, no trouble." My eyes lit up at that, giving a mental smile.

      "But! If I do find you.. you ride me everyday, not prepped. And for your friends, I torture them more." Dream looked hungrily at me. While I made my choice.

       "You will release my friends if I win..?" I repeated. He nodded and gave a smile. "Fine." Dream smirked.

Yeah, it's a short chapter, like really short- I am on call with my boyfriend rn :') and he is like "wHy ArE yOu TyPiNg So AgGrEsSiVeLy" shutup, I'm making a fanfic 😙. Anyways- I have to publish and write this quickly before my boyfriend gets mad at me for lacking attention- EAT AND HYDRATE ILYSMMMM

wise words: "History is written by winners." -Wilbur/Ghostbur

Running away from your loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ