As she spun the time-turner for the twentieth time, the world slowly de-materialized around her. She felt dizzy and nauseous. It was always the same thing with the time turners, except this was a bit extreme. The world was changing around her so fast, it was almost painful for her eyes to keep track.

It took her a while to gain composure before she was able to understand where she was. 

She was back in the Forbidden Forest exactly where she had been standing before. For a split second, she thought their plan had failed but she realized that it was now night-time and upon looking closer, the trees around her looked so much younger. She was at the right time but she did a spell to make sure. She was in the year 1980.

She transfigured her appearance a bit for the sake of precaution and walked across the school grounds under the invisibility cloak. As soon she reached the gates, she took off her cloak and apparated to an Owl Post Office in a wizarding town close to London.

All the owls at the office reminded her of Errol, the Weasley's elderly family owl. They looked old and hardly up to the job but she quickly handed the man all the mail along with a few galleons and apparated into Godric's Hollow. She had only been here twice. And once they got attacked by Nagini when Hailey had insisted on coming during their Horcrux hunt. She had come again after the war to visit her parent's grave.

 She had come again after the war to visit her parent's grave

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Potter Manor was a sight to see. It stood tall in the middle of a huge field.  A long path led to the entrance. There were also hedges on the side, so neatly trimmed that it would make even Aunt Petunia envious.

Hailey entered her home under the invisibility cloak and looked for her bedroom. She had an idea it was on the second floor since that's where the walls had been blown off last time. She passed what she assumed to be her parent's room. Hailey leaned in closer and put her ear against the door. She listened to her dad's soft snores and felt a wave of peace and happiness at the same time.

There they were, her parents sleeping safe and sound and now, she would get to live with them too.

Her room felt had a homey feel to it even though she had never actually seen it before. The walls were Gryffindor red with magic golden snitches. On top of the crib were three snitches flying in little circles. The ceiling was similar to the one in the great hall, it had all the stars and constellations. There was also a chest of drawers where her clothes were stored. She picked out a red onesie since her closet consisted of a lot of red, they hopefully wouldn't notice they dressed Hailey in different clothes before putting her to bed. She looked for a loose floorboard and hid her beaded bag over there after taking out the de-aging potion. There was no going back. She drank the whole thing. It tasted absolutely ghastly but she didn't have a lot of time to complain about the taste as she felt her skin tightening, her bones shrinking and her face changing. She was sure that she looked like a transforming werewolf and even if she didn't look the part, she felt it.

She felt a little extra sympathetic toward Remus as she forced a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from screaming in agony.

 After the pain was gone, Hailey lay there for minutes or hours, she couldn't tell, not being able to find the physical strength to get up. Once she finally struggled herself up, she got rid of her current baggy clothes and put on her onesie. It was an impossible task. She had absolutely no strength and her arms were so chubby they barely touched each other. Eventually, she managed (likely with the help of a little accidental magic). She then, got rid of the empty potion bottle and crawled into her crib, and thought about the day's events before drifting off to sleep.

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)Where stories live. Discover now