Chapter 70. Growing

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So it’s been 4 month’s since Pj and I got back together, but I’ll back it up so you can catch up. *[ Month 1 ] Sadly Tyler and Connor had to go back home, it didn’t take me long to start missing them. It took a little time for Pj to get used to the pregnancy weirdness, but he was able to talk to Louise an her husband on what to expect with me. He slept over most nights even tho he had to work Tuesday - Friday, my friends and his friends saw a change in him. He was in an ” I’m going to be a Dad ” Mode! He went to every doctor’s appointment with me, even if he was busy. [ Month 2 ] Ava had her baby girl naming her Summer, she is just the sweetest baby. Ava has taught Pj and I how to properly take care of a baby, like changing diapers and stuff. At that point I was the most excited I’d ever been to be a mom, and I knew Pj was excited to be a dad. [ Month 3 ] I had become more agitated with everything and I also became alot more paranoid with things, my friends held a baby shower for me. Which was so much fun, even tho most of my friends are boys. We just invited everyone, Pj and I had found out the sex of the baby but we had already planned on not telling anyone! We wanted it to be a surprise, we even talked about name choices. Pj doubled work hours just to save up on money, even though we were fine on money. I had my own saving’s account, which was full. And Now it’s month 4*.

I sat in the lounge flipping through TV programs on a Saturday night, when Zoe walked in ( Her and Alfie where going out that night ). I smiled ” Hey Zoe, on your way out? “, she nodded ” Pj coming by tonight? ” she asked. ( Now that I was in my third trimester, my friends won’t ever let me be alone. They always tell me at least one person has to be with me at all times ) I shook my head no ” He’s got plans Alex, Carrie, Jack, Dean and Ben are coming by tho! “, she nodded ” Okay, Good! ” she smiled before leaving. It was only a half and hour later when they arrived, ” Hey Mummy! ” Jack chuckled. I gave them all hugs and then walked away from them, ” Urgh my back is killing me ” I groaned sitting back on the couch. ” So where’s dad tonight? ” Ben asked me, I shrugged ” He’s just told me, that he had important plan’s and that he’d be here by 11pm ” I smiled. ” And how’s the little one? ” Dean asked me, I smiled ” Good, very active today “. Dean gave me this strange look, but I knew what it meant. ” Oh Yeah, go ahead feel ” I chuckled, he placed his hand on my stomach. The baby kicked making Dean smile, ” oh, they know it’s there Uncle Dean. Yes it is! ” he cooed. Carrie and I laughed, ” So are you sure you guy’s don’t know the sex? ” Ben asked. I shook my head ” No we don’t “, ” Why don’t you guy’s want to know what the baby is? ” Jack asked. I shrugged ” We want it to be a surprise “, ( I realize lying to my friends is wrong, but it’ll be a good surprise ). Dean still had his hand on my stomach, ” I can’t believe there’s a human in here, what are you baby? ” he asked my tummy.

I laughed, ” I think it’ll be a Girl! ” Carrie cheered. All four boys shook their head’s , ” I’m thinking it’s going to be a boy! ” Alex smiled. ” What do you want? ” Ben asked me, I sighed    ” As long as it’s a healthy baby, I don’t care… But Peej want’s a boy ” I smiled. They chuckled, ” Okay Dean Move! It’s my turn ” Jack shouted. I laughed as they each took turns feeling the baby kick, around 6:30 pm we ordered pizza and ate dinner. We watched a film before they left around 10:30 pm. Pj came by around 11:10 am, I was still sitting on the couch. ” Hey Babe! I thought you’d be in bed ” he smiled giving me a hug, ” Huh? Oh I was asleep actually, but I had to get up and use the bathroom 5 minutes ago so ” I smirked. ” And how’s my baby? ” he smiled laying a hand on my stomach, ” Oh someone know’s Daddy’s here! ” he chuckled. I smiled ” Did you eat dinner? ” I asked him, he nodded. ” Okay, then let’s go Night Night ” I sighed shutting off the TV, he smiled at me. We walked into my bedroom and laid down in bed, ” So…… I’ve got a surprise for you tomorrow ” he whispered. I looked at him    ” Does this Surprise involve going out in public ” I asked him he nodded. ” urrgghh, Fine ” I pouted, ” Don’t worry, it’ll be worth it ” he smiled at me. I nodded ” As long as food is involved, I’ll be good! ” I chuckled, he smiled ” Deal! Now get some rest “.

[ The Next Day ]

Pj woke me up around 9 am the next morning, I quickly ( Not really ) got dressed. ” Aren’t you finished yet? ” he sighed, ” Yes Yes! ” I rolled my eyes. We got in his car ” So you’re not even going to give me a small hint? ” I asked, he smiled ” Okay, it has something to do with why I’ve been so busy lately! “. I sighed and looked out the window, 10 minutes later we pulled into a small driveway. I looked at him confused, he smiled ” Surprise!! “. I got out of the car and looked at a cute little house, ” What? ” I shouted. ” Come on, I’ll show you around ” he smirked, ” Is this your’s? ” I asked him. He shook his head ” It’s ours “, he handed me the same Beauty and the Beast Key-chain with a key different key attached to it. ” Oh, your going to make me cry now! ” I smiled, ” Now our friends helped a lot, Okay ” he stated. I nodded following him into the house, ” It’s got 3 room’s, 2 bathrooms and it’s fully furnished. That’s why I was always coming home with paint all over my clothes ” he chuckled. I smiled ” When did you purchase it? ” I questioned, he smirked ” Well….. The day after Chris told me you where pregnant. While you were in California “. ” What! ” I gasped, ” Why didn’t you tell me! “. He smiled ” Well I didn’t think you’d give me another chance, and I wanted it to be completely done “, I nodded and continued walking ( it’s perfect, good paint colors. Amazing furniture and a large garden * backyard * ). ” It’s Amazing ” I smiled hugging him, we walked into one of the smaller rooms which was a nursery. It was truly breath taking, ” So this is where all the baby stuff went! ” I shouted. He chuckled ” So when would you like to start living with me? ” he asked, I smiled ” How about Tonight? “. He nodded ” We could do that! “, he smiled ” We just half to get all your stuff packed up from the apartment “. I nodded ” It’s sad “, he hugged me ” It’ll be alright “.

We locked up the house and got back into the car, when we got back to the apartment Zoe and Alfie where already there… With boxes. ” What’s going on here? ” I smiled hoping it was what I thought. ” I’m Moving out of my parent’s flat and into an Apartment in this building ” Alfie chuckled, I frowned ” What? “. They laughed, ” We’re only joking Izi, I think you know the reason these boxes are here ” Zoe smirked. ” Good, now I don’t have to feel bad for leaving ” I laughed, with the help of three of them we got all my stuff packed up. I gave Zoe and Alfie a hug, ” Don’t Cry Izi, we’re only 10 minutes away ” Zoe chuckled. ” I know, It’s the hormones ” I smiled, with a packed car Pj and I left to live in our new house. Nothing could top this, [ Later that Night ] I crawled in our new bed, which was very comfortable. ” So how does it feel? ” he asked me, I chuckled ” Nice, and it smells clean “. He chuckled ” I”m just glad your happy with it “, I smiled ” It’s amazing, Your amazing…. Love you ” I yawned. He gave a quick kiss on the lips, with a smile ” Love you too “.


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