Chapter 18. Unsaid Feelings

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I grabbed a cloth and got it wet, I walked back over to him and sat across from him. I slowly cleaned up his face that had both cuts and bruises on it. I avoided eye contact with him, even tho I could feel his eyes on me. ” Why do you hate me Izi? ” he asked showing no emotion ( Wow, it’s hard to say, when the reasons I have are stupid, childish and a lie ), ” I don’t hate you Pj ” I looked at him making sure not to look in those eyes. ” Come off it, you can’t stand me ” he chuckled ( He’s right, I can’t stand his cocky attitude, his friends, his hurtful words, but that made me just need them more ), ” Well you don’t exactly worship the ground I walk on either ” I sighed. ” True True, but I like you ” he said straight forward, ( Don’t give in to him ) I smiled not really sure what to say. ” No Izi, you don’t understand. You can’t! ” he shouted standing up, ( well there’s the Pj I know ). ” Pj I do understand, you like me…. and I like you ” I said sighing, he smiled ” I know “.

[ 10 minutes later ], I giggled as I watched him pace around the lounge. We hadn’t said anything else to each other and he kept stopping to check his phone, ” Pj are you okay ” I asked slightly bored and confused. He only shrugged and continued pacing ( OK, I’m getting sick of this we went from confessing our feelings for each other, to hardly speaking ), his phone went off and I watched his face change as he read the text message. He then sat down next to me ” Izi, I care about you a lot. Every since I saw you on your first day 2 years ago, but there’s no way we could ever be together. We come from two different worlds and I’d be hurting you to much… ” he kept talking, but I was done listening. I stood up not looking at him, ” Where are you going? ” he questioned. ” Home! ” I sighed walking to the door, ” Why? ” he chased after me and that’s when I exploded.   ” What do you mean Why! You told me you liked and cared about me, but then you tell me we can never be together because you’d be hurting me. Don’t you fucking realize how much your hurting me now!!! Or maybe you just don’t care, maybe this is how you fuck with girls minds. Fine we can’t be together, then don’t ever talk to me again!! ” I yelled not realizing I was crying, I opened the door to find Chris, Dan and Phil who looked completely shocked. I pushed my way passed them and just ran, I didn’t know where I was going or what I was doing for that matter. I stumbled over to a bench and pulled out my phone not knowing who to call, Henry- Who won’t answer, Zoe- would worry as well as my other friends. So I settled upon a number that I didn’t even consider until now, Ava’s. She picked right up ” Izi, Izi are you ok? ” I could hear Nathan in the background asking 101 questions ( and I realize calling a pregnant woman in the middle of the night wasn’t the kindest thing to do ). ” Not Really ” I sniffled as I continued to cry, ” Where are you? ” she asked. I told her what street I was on ” Alright I’ll be right there! ” she assured me, It took her only 15 till her car pulled up. She got out of her car hugging me, as I cried into her jumper. ( I’m so glad she didn’t bring my brother ) I thought, it was late but we were able to find a little diner and I told her Everything about Pj and I except I changed his name. ” Izi boys are weird and Stupid. If he’s going to pass up a girl like you, he’s a complete moron ” she told me, I nodded. We continued to talk for another hour  ” So do you think you could drive me home? ” I asked, She smiled and nodded. I told her the address and she dropped me off ” Izi, don’t let any guy try to run your life, especially if he wasn’t even your boyfriend ” she exclaimed, I nodded thanking her for being there for me. ” Will you tell that brother of mine, to give me a call ” ( Time to patch this shit up ), with a smile and a nod she was gone. I walked into the apartment to find it empty ( Okay in the clear ), I went straight to be without changing, taking off my makeup or checking my phone.


And The Drama Begins........ I Hope You're stil Enjoying and Thanks for Reaing(:

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