Chapter 47. A turn for The Worse

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{ Izi’s P.O.V }

I ran down the stairs and out into the street, my mind was racing and all I was trying to think about was where I could go. I was in a Lion King jumper, shorts and flip-flops ( I look like crap but I don’t care ), It was cold but I needed to get away. I walked along the pavement thinking, the first day Pj and I actually spent together was at the beach it kept re-playing in my head. Over and over, so I ended up walking to that same beach. It took me a while and by the time I’d reached it, it was dark probably 1 or 2 pm I didn’t know.   ” Let them worry ” I sighed sitting in the cold sand and looked out at the ocean, I thought someone would’ve come after me. I sat there letting everything process in my head, when I heard a car engine stop behind me. I just figured it was one of my friends and at first I didn’t look at them but then I heard and unfamiliar cough. I turned around seeing a black truck with blackened windows, I quickly stood up when all four doors opened. I was worried and when I saw who got out, it didn’t make me feel any better. There stood Ethan, Dean plus two other guys who I didn’t know but I’d seen them around. 

Dean started walking toward me, but I backed up ” Izi don’t worry, all you need to do is cooperate and tell them who Pj and his friend are working for “. I stared at him ” Dean, what’s going on? ” I asked him pretending I didn’t know what he meant, ( Shit Shit Shit, you dumb-ass! It’s the East gang, but how did you miss that Ethan and Dean are apart of it ). ” Listen, If you don’t tell them and I who their boss is. We’ll have to take you in ” he frowned, ” I’m guessing Pj told you about what we do, and you probably realize now that we’ve been watching you for a while. Now tell us! ” Ethan yelled but stayed by the truck. ( How do I get out of this? I will not tell them about Nath, I could try to run I just have a feeling it wouldn’t end well ), ” I don’t know who their boss is ” I sighed. But the two guys I had wasted my time getting to know, they knew I was lying. The three of them standing by the truck started walking forward, ” Wait ” Dean said trying to get them to stop by standing infront of me. ” Move Dean…. Dean Move!!! ” Ethan spat glaring at him, Dean looked down and stepped aside. Instead of running ( Like most girls would probably do ) I just stood there, until everything went black.

I felt myself start to come to, but I kept my eyes closed when I heard voices. ” She’s a tough one, I hope I get to play with her later ” a male voice that I didn’t know said, ” Whoa Mate, you won’t be playing with anything! ” a familiar voice said I just couldn’t think of who it was. I felt a pinch in my arm and then fell into total blackness, not knowing where the hell I was. When I woke up I blinked a few times, everything was blurry. I could hear voices tho ” How are we going to explain this to her, when she wakes up? ” another familiar voice said, I was quite cold and when my vision cleared I realized why. My hands and ankles were chained to the floor, and I was laying on the cold cement without a top on ( Still a bra tho ), I looked around and the faces of my so called Friends. They looked at me with apologetic eyes, when I found out Dean was Apart of the East gang I should have know Jack and Ben were apart of it too. I shifted uncomfortably on the ground ” Why don’t I have a shirt on? ” I mumbled, the three of them looked at each other. ” We were forced to take it off ” Jack sighed, ” Why? ” I questioned. ” Well our boss wanted us to strip you naked, but we were able to talk him out of it ” Jack explained, ” Oh, Wow my hero’s ” I joked rolling my eyes at them. I sat up quietly and looked at the three of them. The lock on the big wooden door turned and a very bulk guy popped his head in ” Lunch ” he said, Jack looked at Ben and Dean ” I’m skipping, so I’ll stay ” he told them. They nodded looking at me, ( What the hell is going on, this is so stupid ) ” I’m not telling you guys anything because I don’t know anything ” I spat at Jack. He glared at me and put his face close to mine ” Shut up, I’m trying to help you “, ” Huh? ” I asked staring at him. ” I’m going to get you out of here, I’ve seen what these people do to girls like you. I won’t let them do that to you, I swear! ” he exclaimed, I only nodded terrified and I had no clue what to say. ” Dean and Ben are involved too, we just need time to figure out how to get you out ” he whispered just as two older men walked in the room, ” Has she talked yet? ” one of them asked. Jack shook his head ” No, I’m still working on it tho. I think she’s about to break ” he said, both guys nodded but before leaving one of them added ” Fine, but the boss said you only get 30 more minutes then we’ll have to try something else ” he chuckled. That frightened me, but them talking gave me a few minutes to look at the dark room.

The room was pretty large, very dirty and it looked sorta like a dungeon. There was a bed in the middle of the room and I feared that I would soon end up on it, I looked at Jack when the two guys left. ” If I’m going to get killed or worse rapped, I’d much rather one of you do it. You know you, Ben or Dean, it’ll be a little less painful for me ” I sighed looking at him, he stared at me ” Don’t worry, nothing that bad will happen. If anything they are going to beat you a bit, but if they choose to do something drastic I’ll do it ” he sighed. I nodded knowing I’d be able to take a beating [ 30 Minutes Later ], I still hadn’t said a word and Jack paced around the room thinking of something he could do. Sadly he had nothing, a group of guys walked into the room. Jack glanced at me, but I didn’t move ( I’m a Fighter, but I’ve seen enough movies about what happens if you try to fight people like this ). Jack tried explaining to them that he was about to get answers, but even with their thick skulls knew it was a lie. Jack was pulled out of the room and I still didn’t move, he was right tho. The first thing they did was hit, punch and kick me. The first couple of Punch’s and hits hurt the worst, but as time went on I just ended up going numb. As they finished up, I slowly started to black out and fall into total blackness. 

( I’m going to die in here )

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