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—just roaming around yaoguang shoal to find some star conch shells and that was it, there wasn't anything in the plan saying you'd meet someone that youd fall in love with and yet here you are

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just roaming around yaoguang shoal to find some star conch shells and that was it, there wasn't anything in the plan saying you'd meet someone that youd fall in love with and yet here you are.

his light blue hair and frosty eyes. the white, black, and gold attire. the small popsicle in his hand he was licking. and his shocked face when he saw you

❝woah– where did you
come from?❞

❝uh... i just wind glided
over here❞



❝i might have a slight fear of heightsbut gliding is just really fun❞

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❝i might have a slight fear of heights
but gliding is just really fun❞


❝ive never truly understood these kind of so called romantic things, my apologies

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❝ive never truly understood these kind of so called romantic things, my apologies.❞


❝id prefer keeping my trueidentity a secret, it makes me feelbetter that way❞

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❝id prefer keeping my true
identity a secret, it makes me feel
better that way❞


❝i only asked y/n to find me somestar conch shells, this is highlyunexpected!❞

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❝i only asked y/n to find me some
star conch shells, this is highly


❝wanna help me out? ive heard
some cases about evil spirits❞

❝sure! might as well help
while im here anyways❞


01. characters may be ooc, but
ill try matching their
personality as to what's shown
in-game as best as possible.

02. don't just say "i hate
[insert name] like they're so
bad in the game". this isn't
talking about what characters
are good and what not. it's a fanfic
so try avoiding things like that

03. there's intended lowercase
here so try not to get confused..?
idk i feel like i should do something
about that but i try keeping my
chapter and books as "pretty"
as possible even though i end up
hating them sooner or later anyways.

04. please don't like, be
disrespectful ig?? there's
many characters in the game
and lots of people who has
different favorite characters
so like. try not comparing them?

05. there's some foul language
in the story so vv sorry if you
don't like that. but uh yeah!

06. y/n isn't traveler. although y/n has paimon like traveler does in genshin its kinda like as if the traveler didn't exist in the world and paimon just ended up finding their way to y/n. also in this y/n actually had an anemo vision and unlike traveler, they can't manipulate or wield different elements.


started: mar. 11th 2021
published: mar. 21st 2021
finished: jan. 24th 2022

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