Chapter 19: Realization

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"But, I shouldn't have and I shouldn't have started to fall for you, but I did. I started to fall for you and then you did that, do you even know how it feels...even the slightest. Oh, and there's also the fact that you could send that to everyone, well I could tell everyone about your Dad, but I wouldn't because I'm not that kind of person." I sat there giving him a long lecture, wiping my eyes vigorously and he didn't move. He sat there and listened staring intently into my eyes.

I didn't have the strength to go on so I finished with, "How could you do that to me? to anyone?" I questioned him. He seemed a little stunned by my outburst. "And, after everything I just said I am begging you not to show anybody that CD," I said with sorrow clear in my voice. I hated that after everything he still had the upper hand.I was crying a river now, but I didn't care I wanted him to know exactly how I felt.

"I wont, I promise," He whispered.

"Oh, and I'm supposed to believe your promises am I?" I spat at him.

He didn't know how to reply, so he just stayed there looking out at the ocean. "Maybe I'm-" He started but then Connor came up to us. He sighed and looked angry. I wondered what he was going to say.

He looked side ways seeing Connor coming up to us. "I should go," He whispered.

"I'm not done with you," I said hoping he would sit back down, but he just looked at Connor and started to leave.

"Hey man," Connor said as he came near to Leo.

"Hey," He replied to Connor, "See you around Ali," He said to me before walking away. I looked to my right and stared at him as he walked away while trying to wipe my tears without Connor noticing.

"Hey Alison, Are you crying?" He asked concerned.

"No," I replied simply, surprised at how leveled my voice sounded.

He got his index finger and placed in near my chin turning my head towards him. "Did he do something to you?" He asked.

"What? No," I said not wanting to talk about it. I had talked to Leo now I had to forget about it, or at least try to and have a good summer, and Connor was going to be a part of that. I smiled at him.

"So, Connor..." I started off for him hoping he would continue for me.

"So...Alison," He started smirking. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked.

"Hmm...well I'll have to check I'm a very busy women you see," I notified him, bursting out laughing.

"Oh right, I see so I'll see you this Sunday?" He asked making sure.

"Yeah, but where are we going?" I asked.

"Don't worry, its not a date where you will be scared of dying," He said remembering the first time we went on a date.

"Shut up," I said through gritted teeth punching him on the shoulder lightly. He laughed slightly before Serena interrupted us. 

"C'mon Alison were going inside, unless you wanna stay here with-" She shouted.

"No, I'm coming," I said getting up and brushing the sand off of me. "I'll um see you on our date," I said to Connor.

"Yeah...see you you then," He said as I started to walk off looking back once to smile at him.


"So were going clubbing then," Lara said excited.

"No, were not," Lauren argued back. We were all at Serenas beach houe and they were fighting over going clubbing.

"What do you think, Ali?" Serena asked.

"I think, that im exhausted and I should go to bed," I informed them before heading upstairs.

"Get back here ALison, we need to disscuss this," I heard Lara shout as I reached the top of the staircase.

"yeah, yeah whatever," I said smiling to myself at how funny the scene actually looked.I saw my drawing I had done and went to my window sill to pout it down as well as open the window to let some breeze in when I heard Wesley's voice. 

"How many times are you gonna fuck up?" Wesley said loudly.

"I dunno," He said quieter. He looked up at my window suddenly and instead of my reflex's going into action. I just stared back at him.

"So, its settled movie night tommorrow," Serena said at the door way. I tore my gaze away from Leo and looked at Serena.

"Cool, but I wont be here for long. I have a date with Connor," I said smiling widely.

I looked back out of the window, but Leo was gone and so was Wesley.

"How are things with you and Wesley?" I asked suddenly curious.

"Perfect, I think I love him," She said sitting down on my bed.

"And, I think I was in love with Leo," I whispered to myself, looking at the spot where Leo once was.

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