- ', [backseat] ꒱

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Kuroo took his sweet time driving, and I swore every minute went by slower than usual. 

I couldn't believe I was so excited about hooking up with Kuroo, so excited that my palms were sweaty and heart pounded against my chest in anticipation. Hopefully we wouldn't get interrupted this time.

"You know I meant what I said about you hooking up with someone from the team, right?" Kuroo glanced at me as he drove on, breaking the tense silence. 

"Huh?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I'd already forgotten about him saying that.

"You heard me."

I rolled my eyes, "Do you think I'm a whore or something?"

Kuroo looked startled, "What? No! That's not what I meant..."

"Then stop acting all weird," I sunk down in my seat, "I wasn't planning on doing that anyways. The guys on the team are like brothers to me."

"You haven't even known them that long."

"But we've bonded."

Kuroo's lips turned upward, "Not so hung up on Karasuno anymore, huh?"

"Shut up," I told him, "I'd still choose them over Nekoma any day."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

I groaned, "Whatever. Now, can this thing go any faster?"

Kuroo looked over at me, smirking, "Look at you, so impatient for my-"

"Never mind, go as slow as you want," I looked away from him, just to be petty.

"Right. I bet you can't wait. In fact, I bet it's all you were thinking about during practice."

It was, but I wasn't going to let him know that, "No, not really."

"Oh yeah?" Kuroo clutched onto the steering wheel, "Then why were you staring at me the whole time?"

"Oh, so you were paying attention to me too, then," I retorted.

"'Too'? You just admit it," Kuroo gave me a smug look.

I stifled a laugh. Kuroo and I knew how to keep each other worked up. It wasn't a bad feeling.

"Hey, maybe we should stop somewhere for a little snack or something," Kuroo hummed casually, and I saw him grinning out of the corner of my eye. What a bitch. He was going to make me wait.

Fine, I wouldn't give in so easily. 

"Yeah, great idea!" I tried to put as much sarcasm into my voice as possible, "I was actually a little hungry anyways." 

Kuroo gave me a smirk as he turned the steering wheel and taking a turn, pulling up near the front of a small cafe that was pretty popular around here, especially among students. 

The parking lot was mostly empty, however, except for a few scattered cars, and Kuroo parked his in the very corner, tucked away from the others.

"Hmm... I'm thinking I'll get coffee," I started to list my order as I reached for the car door handle, "And-"

"Get in the back."

My heart suddenly dropped, eyes widening as I looked back over my shoulder at Kuroo, "What?"

"You heard me," Kuroo raised his eyebrows, looking me up and down, "Backseat. You said you were hungry. I'll give you something to eat."

[warning: smut ahead]

- ', [rivals] ꒱  ➳ kuroo x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat