- ', [dinner] ꒱

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I walked straight into my room right after school, tossing my bag on the floor and plopping down on my bed.

Today had been exhausting. Talk about a rough first day.

I'll admit, the people were nicer than I thought they'd be. Kenma was in my class, and he'd introduced me to a few of his friends as well. 

But... I still felt out of place. Maybe it would take some time to get used to.

On the bright side, I hadn't seen Kuroo since he'd stormed off in the parking lot.

Unfortunately, I had heard some things about him, like he'd warned me. He was popular, no denying it. Every girl I talked to claimed how much they liked him, what a great person he was. How good he was at hooking up. 

Yeah, I had heard that last one more than a couple times. Gross.

I had talked to Kenma about it during lunch, and he confessed that Kuroo was known around Nekoma as the guy who girls went to when they wanted a casual sneaky link. Even grosser.

But he was well liked by everyone. He was a star volleyball player, Nekoma team captain, and a straight-A student. Teachers and students alike, nobody could get enough of Tetsurou Kuroo. 

Well, except me. 

I decided not to let it bother me that much. I didn't give a shit about Kuroo's status right now. What I really wanted was for my mom to come home and tell me that this was all a big prank and that I'd be going back to Karasuno tomorrow.

No such luck though.

Still laying down, still in uniform, I take out my phone and text Kiyoko, one of my best friends from Karasuno. 


miss you :(

nekoma has nothing on karasuno


aw, we miss you too

at least you have kuroo.

I rolled my eyes at that. She knew very well that I didn't like him.


yeah, kuroo. my fav.


I thought I was your fav

I shook my head, smiling to myself. I was about to respond when I saw my mom's car pull up outside from the window, out of the corner of my eye.

Huh... she was home early today. Weird.

I went downstairs just in time to see her open the front door, stepping inside in her work clothes.

"Y/n!" She grinned, "How was school?

"Fine," I didn't return her enthusiasm, "How come you're home so soon?"

The smile remained pasted on her face, but she didn't answer right away. Something was off... I knew it. 

The mystery was solved one second later.

- ', [rivals] ꒱  ➳ kuroo x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang