- ', [forget] ꒱

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When I woke up the next morning, my stomach was still tinged with the lingering effect of butterflies from yesterday.

Less than 12 hours ago, Kuroo and I had been making out in this very room. We'd barely had a chance to talk about what that meant for us, but what would happen now?

I guess I had to admit it to myself before I did anyone else, but I wasn't even sure what "it" was. 

Trying to push him out of my head for a while, I rolled out of bed and got ready for school in a rush because it was already late.

I head downstairs, and my mom had already left for work, so I sat down in a chair as I waited for Kuroo to pick me up as usual. I was both excited and anxious to see him.

It was getting pretty late, right? Kuroo should have been here by now.

A couple minutes later, my phone dinged, and I picked it up to read the text sprawled across my screen, heart dropping a bit. 


Hey, I can't pick you up today

Now he tells me?


why not?

I wait for another minute or two for a response, but he doesn't reply back.

Sighing, I pick up my bag and leave as quick as possible to catch a bus before I was late for school.

Getting on the bus and finding a seat, I rode to school with my headphones in. It had been a while since I'd gone to school like this, listening to music, and I almost missed the conversations with Kuroo on our usual days.

Speaking of Kuroo... what was up with his text and then lack of? Did he genuinely have an excuse, or was it possible he just... didn't want to drive me?

Maybe after yesterday he thought I was a bad kisser, not worthy of his time.

But... nah. That couldn't be true, especially because I'd felt Kuroo's arousal. I almost snickered to myself at the thought of the calm and collected Kuroo yesterday, so desperate to touch me.

Or maybe he was just like that with all the girls he fucked.

I sighed. I was overthinking, again.

I didn't have any more time to assess the situation, however, because the bus pulled in the front of my school building.

I got off and head inside, hoping to run into Kuroo in the halls to confront him, but no luck.

In class, I sat down in my seat next to Kenma's.

I leaned over and whispered to him, "Hey, have you seen Kuroo today?"

He nodded, "Yeah, right before class. Why?"

"No reason..." I muttered a response. So... he was at school. Why couldn't he have given be a ride, then? 

That kept me distracted all class, thinking about Kuroo. He'd have to run into me eventually, and then we could talk about it. I hope.

- ', [rivals] ꒱  ➳ kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now