- ', [dance] ꒱

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"Y/n-chan!" Akari Hana called out to me just as I was heading over to class, and I stopped, turning around to face her.

Akari was a friend I'd made here recently at Nekoma. 

We shared most of the same classes, and she was really nice and fun to be around, so the two of us had clicked. Akari was really pretty in a lowkey sort of way. She had dark hair, dark eyes, and wore glasses occasionally. 

"Hey, Akari," I gave her a smile as she jogged to catch up with me.

It was a Monday morning, and my energy levels were at zero right now, but Akari's enthusiasm was contagious, and you just couldn't be in a bad mood around her. 

She linked arms with me as we walked to class, "So, are you going to come to the spring dance? It's this Friday!"

"As in... this Friday? A few days from now?"

"What did I just say?" Akari narrowed her eyes at me, and I frowned.

"This is the first I'm hearing about it," I told her.

"No you didn't. I told you about it last week."

"Oh," I tried to rack my memory to recall this conversation, but I couldn't remember.

"Oh," Akari mocked, letting out a soft laugh, "You obviously weren't paying attention last time, so I'm telling you again. Dance. Friday. Six o'clock."

My eyebrows furrowed together, "What's this dance even for?"

"I don't know... just for fun, I guess?" Akari suddenly looked confused and that confirmed my suspicion the only purpose behind the dance was for people to get all dressed up and show off. Nekoma had big egos.

"Well," I cleared my throat as the two of us turned a corner, "I don't know. I've never been to a dance before."

Akari stopped in her tracks and pouted, "What? Did Karasuno not have school dances?"

I shook my head, "Not really."

Akari shrugged, "Well, all the more reason Nekoma is better!" I gave her a look and she let out a nervous sort of laugh, "I'm kidding, of course. Karasuno is great too!"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. What do you guys do at these "school dances" anyways?"

"Dance," Akari replied matter-of-factly.

"Wow, I would have never guessed."

Akari laughed, "There's food too."


Akari displayed a grin, "Yay! Who are you going with?"

I blinked, "What?"

"Come on, everyone needs a date to the dance! Even if it's just a friend."

"Will you go with me?" I asked her, sighing.

"I would," She giggled, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink, "But I'm hoping Kenma will ask me."

My eyes widened, "I didn't know you had a thing for Kenma."

"I do. Since forever. He's just so sweet and funny and..." She sighed dreamily, stopping in the middle of the hallway to face me.

"I've been trying to drop some hints, but I can't get him to look up from his video games," Akari looked miserable for a moment, "And when he's not doing that, he always has some volleyball stuff going on! I don't think we've ever had a complete conversation."

I had to laugh, "Kenma does love his games. And volleyball."

"Unfortunately for me," She sighed again, "So, what about you? Are you and Kuroo going to be going together?"

- ', [rivals] ꒱  ➳ kuroo x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora