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As Scott walked into my room, he commented, "It's the beginning of the school year and you're writing in your journal."

"This is a new one. I have to start off strong." "What's the first line?" " The first line is-" I clear my throat and he chuckles, "First day of school, and Scott's trying out for lacrosse, I'll be sitting in the bleachers cheering on my brother as he fails to get one goal. But he will do it ever so gracefully." He grabs a pillow and slams it into my head.

As he realizes his mistake, I turn to him with a glare and follow him out of my room.

"Your dead!" I yell as I chase him down the stairs, "Where the hell is mom when you need her!" He groans, I tackle him to the floor, and he puts his hand up in a way of surrender, "Your lucky I can't squeeze the life out of your puny ass body, I need someone to make me lunch everyday." "Speaking of, your lunch is on the counter." I ruffle his hair than slap his cheek softly. I go into the mirror and comb through my white locks.

I grab my keys and kiss Scott's cheek, I place my lunch in my bag and he sighs, "Why won't you just ride your bike?" "Scott I haven't ridden my bike in years, I'm afraid that if I try now, I will die just by trying to balance on it." I chuckle, he shakes his head at me and rolls his eyes.

"Bye younger brother!" I call out and he grumbles, "It was two minutes!" He screams as I close the door. I go in my bag and grab my phone as I walk down the street, "Velma pick my ass up, I'm not walking today." I hang up giving him no chance to respond. After five minutes of waiting I see the blue jeep clear as day.

I open the car door and get in. Placing my bag at my feet then buckling in he raises a brow. "Scott's not coming." I smirk and he visibly blushed and gulps. "So we are going to be in here and alone." "In here alone and late, now step on the gas." He starts to drive off as I fix my white crop and red flannel. "Stiles?" He hums in response not taking his eyes off the road.

"If Lydia ignores you all you have to do is grab her by the throat, and say 'mine'." I try to mimic a mans voice when I say mine and he laughs but then he puts on a serious face.

"Wait girls are into that type of stuff?" He looks back at the road and me frantically, I chuckle "I actually don't know I read it in a wolf book before. Very possessive. And very kinky." I think out loud and I see his eyes widen. He's about to say something when I see we have parked. "Thank for the ride Stilinski." I lean over and kiss his cheek than exit the car.

I see Scott locking up his bike and strut over to him. I squeeze his sides to surprise him but all he does is wince. I back up quickly and raise a brow. "The hell." I mumble about to squeeze it again when he catches my hand.

"What the hell happened." I demand and he sighs, "I'll tell you later." He whispers and I tilt my head, "I promise." He mumbled. "Fine, after school. No exceptions." I walk away my bag on my shoulder as I walk into school. Dalia ran up to me as all the students made their way into school.

"Hey snow." The annoying voice spoke up, I turn around to be met with the bitch of the school, Lydia Martin. "Hey witchy." I greet with a sarcastic smile, "I was wondering if you'd like to come to a party, but now that I think about it your probably just going to stare at Jackson for the whole time-" "One disgusting, and I'm appalled that you would even suggest that. Two how could I miss a party Lydia Martin attends." I growl.

I walk away swiftly with Dalia by my side, "I swear say her name three times and she'll pop up, like those damn gopher games...holy shit I'm gonna be late for class." I grumble and she laughs. "I'll see you later princess snow." "I'm gonna take what you just said and shove it up your ass."

I'm at the lacrosse practice biting my fingernails, Scott comes up with Stiles on the sides, he looks towards the bleachers and his eyes stay there.

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