008. unexpected guests

Start from the beginning

"Addie, come on. It's late." Charlie catches her arm and Addison turns to face her.

"Please, Charlotte." She says to her, gently pulling her arm out of Charlie's grip. "I've been called into work, but it was lovely to meet you." Addison lies and before Charlie can comprehend what's happened, Addison has grabbed her coat and walked out the door, leaving Charlie in the middle of the kitchen with the sibling she hasn't seen for 8 years.

Charlie wastes no time in interrogating her sister.

"Why are you here?"

"Can't I just drop by for a friendly chat?"

"Drop by?! Morgan, you live in Chicago. This isn't you dropping by, this is you coming here to ruin my life."

"You seem to be doing that fine on your own."

"Morgan I swear to god, you have three seconds before I-"

"I missed you, okay!"

That comment completely throws Charlie off balance.

"You turn up after 8 years because you missed me?"

"Yes, and I'm getting married and I want you at the wedding."

"Jesus fucking christ, Morgan. You couldn't have sent a text? 'Oh hey Charlie, I know it's been 8 years since we spoke but just a message to say I'm getting married and I would like you at the wedding'. My wife just walked out of here, on our anniversary, because she thought you were some secret lover of mine." Charlie takes a deep breath and evaluates the situation in her mind, she really can't deal with Morgan right now. She has bigger problems. "I can't deal with you right now, okay? So, I need you to get out of my house."


"Morgan, get the fuck out of my house. Please." Morgan just rolls her eyes and gathers her things, walking out of the house and leaving Charlie to deal with the fallout. Charlie sits on the couch and rests her head on her hands. "Fuck." she whispers.


Addison sits on the windowsill in the attending's lounge, staring out the window as the rain beats down on the window, It always rains in Seattle. She doesn't like the rain. The door opens and Doctor Bailey walks in, at first not noticing Addison, she just continues looking down at her clipboard, full of notes and checklists for her to do. It's only when Addison speaks up does Miranda notices. Addison lets out a sound, supposedly a hello.

"I thought you went home?" Bailey says, placing her clipboard on the table.

"I did," Addison says, leaning her head on the cool glass pane.

"Then why are you back here?" The short woman asks, taking a seat on the sofa and looking up at her.

"I'm here to check on a patient."

"Mmmhmm," Bailey says with a raise of an eyebrow. "Now, is this a real patient or a fake one made up so you could get out of a fight?" Addison looks down at her and closes her eyes.

"A woman turned up at our door and introduced herself as 'Morgan Beck', so immediately I thought the worse and that Charlie had some secret family that I didn't know about."

"Do you think that Beck could have hidden a family for that long? Have you met the girl? She can't keep a secret for more than 20 seconds." Addison laughs at Bailey's comment and smiles. "Now, I suggest that you go home and salvage what you can of your anniversary, but if you do plan on staying here, I have a patient I could use a consult on." Bailey stands and begins to walk out.

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