Part 1 // Chap. 7: A Police Officer Undercover

Começar do início

Everest: Look! These photos! I'm here! I'm here! And also there! And everywhere! What do you do with the pictures of the members of the Paw Patrol !? Who are you!? Where is the owner of these photos !?

Chase thinks about it and understands the situation.

Sydney, passing by, overhears their conversation.

Sydney: Problem between couples?

Chase: Sydney ...

Sydney: Ok ok, have fun!

Chase: Everest ... is that you?

Everest: No it's not me! And if you don't tell me the owner of these photos, I'll break your face!

Chase: I'm Chase.

Everest: I don't care about that! Where's Chase !?

Chase: It's me! Chase ... is on the case!

Everest: You mean you're on the death! Where's Chase !?

Chase: I'm in front of you.

Everest: I recognize Chase's eyes. Your eyes are green! While his, they were brown! Where's Chase !?

Chase walks to the window. He quietly takes something from his drawer, but before he can take it, Everest ties his hands up with a rope she had in her pocket.

Everest: Last time! Where's Chase !!?

Chase: Okay okay, get me out of this police station first.

Everest and Chase sneak out the window. Everest takes Chase down a dark alley.

Chase: Are you an undercover police officer?

Everest: Yes. I heard about you.

Chase: Now I understand why you give snowboard lessons.

Everest is in fact an international undercover mountain police officer. 1 month ago, she heard about Chase, her friend from the Paw Patrol. Talking with Chase was very difficult. There are cameras everywhere, and a lot of bandits and thieves who want Chase's death.
Chase and Everest, gave to themselves somewhere to see.
The meeting with Chase was not with the Chase we all know.

~ Flashback

Everest: Alright. Thanks Joe.

Everest hangs up on her walkie-talkie.

Everest: Oh oh...It doesn't look good ... Stay here! I'll be right back!

Everest puts water on the snow and the bandit falls.
Chase bumps on Everest and they fall.

Chase: My name is Chase.

Everest: And me Everest.

Everest notices Chase's green eyes.
Everest notices cameras hidden on Chase's jacket.

At the restaurant, Everest still notices microphones and cameras on Chase.

It was not Chase, the Paw Patrol member.

End of Flashback

Chase: You're pretty smart for someone dumb.

Everest: Where's Chase !? And who are you !?

Chase: I'm the one that Chase killed his girlfriend! I'm the one that Chase put my brother in jail! I'm the one that Chase ruined my life! I am Chase.

Everest: I suppose you have the same first name as Chase.

Chase: Yeah. And I look like him a lot. Could you find Chase?

Everest: Where is he!?

Chase: Russia. On a secret military mission. Everyone thinks I'm Chase the cop, but I'm his worst enemy.

Everest takes a walkie-talkie from her pocket and speaks.

Everest: Joe, bring the plane closer. We're leaving in 20 minutes.

Everest: Is he in danger?

Chase: Enough to die.

Everest: I will free Chase. And then, I will...

Chase: Also, I want you to put your soft paws on mine to take the rope off me.

Everest: You are coming with us.

Chase: Is there the food I want in your plane?

Everest: Get up!

Chase: He is still not among us, but he will be, he will be in 5 days. Among us.


It wasn't Chase from the start, but his enemy who looks like him and has the same first name as him.
Everest is also a mountain police officer.
This chapter is confusing, weird, but you will know more about it next time.

PAW Patrol : A New LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora