To Gulay or not to Gulay: Why Should Everyone Have a Vegetable Garden?

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Due to the ongoing pandemic everyone is expected to stay indoors to avoid getting infected. Being cooped up at home for many months now can get pretty demoralizing and you ran out of things to do or get bored with all the repetitions in your daily routine. One way to overcome this is by having fun projects or activities like gardening. I highly encourage people to start doing this, for it is good way to spend your time and is highly beneficial to not just yourself but to your family and community too.

There are many benefits you could reap if you start having a little garden, for instance, you would gain access to a sustainable food source and freshly picked vegetables for your consumption, which will obviously do wonders to your health. In addition did you know that food tastes better with fresh ingredients? Well now you know. Another benefit of gardening is that it improves your mood and temperament. Planting can be therapeutic which relieves stress and a way to develop a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset allows you to continously learn and view failures as a means to learn and improve more. Furthermore, gardening helps you take a break from your constant immersion with gadgets and gives you a chance to move around and exercise.

Having a little vegetable garden is a very worthwhile endeavor that I would highly recommend to everyone, since my siblings and I started doing it too. My sister and I planted Mung beans and my little brother has his tomato plant. Starting a little garden of sorts is cheap and affordable, and makes for a great conversation in the house too. Its very exciting to see your plants growing everyday, it leaves you feeling giddy and with the situation as it is everyone deserves to feel happiness from little activities like gardening.

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