The Effectivity of Blended Learning in My Education

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We are currently experiencing a pandemic and it has affected many aspects of our lives. Schools have cancelled classes because of the no gathering rule and social distancing implemented to mitigate the Covid-19 spread. In respect to that, the Department of Education transformed face to face classes into online classes or distance learning in order to not waste a year. Distance or blended learning  is a rapidly expanding environment which allows users the flexibility of operating outside of the constraints of time and place via electronic and online media apps. The effectivity of blended learning compared to face to face classes in a classroom is not that great since there are many things that can affect and distract me from studying while at home. For example is the distraction messaging apps, facebook, youtube, and etc. can cause because no one is watching and reprimanding you. It takes great effort in ignoring notifications while class is in session when you can easily access it without anyone knowing. Another things is the shallow nature of discussions because conversing online can be difficult and you can't express what you want to say for varying reasons like time constraints, thereby making learning difficult compared to the normal classroom setting. To conclude this blended learning is a little hard and will probably take more effort since its relatively new to me and my fellow students but I'll continue doing and giving my best.

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