not a joke anymore [ten]

Start from the beginning


The rest of the week was the same. Madison got first line. Scott was still obsessed with Allison. Lydia, Madison, Allison, and Olivia got extremely close. Stiles was, well, Stiles. 


"If you don't get your ass over to my house in 5 minutes," Stiles threatens Madison through the phone. "I will pull you by your hair and drag you over here." Apparently, he had something extremely important to tell her. She was picking out her outfit for Jackson's party.

"Kinky." Madison snickers. "I'll be there in 10."

"I said 5-" Stiles shoots, but get cut off by Madison.

"Do you want me to come or not?" Madison shoots back. Stiles groans and hangs up.

She gets on her bicycle, since her mom had the car, and rode it to Stiles' house. She goes to knock on the door, but Stiles opens it, making Madison accidently punch Stiles in the nose.

"Ow!" Stiles groans, rubbing his nose. Madison burst out laughing. Stiles glares. "I'm glad you found my pain funny."

Madison skips into the house and to Stiles' room. "What did you want to tell me?" Stiles sits on his chair and points to the computer. It was clear he was researching something and as far as Madison knew, there were no projects at school. "How much Adderall did you take?"

"A lot, but that's besides the point," Stiles shrugs. "I was up all night, reading books, looking online-" Scott enters the room, cutting Stiles off.

Scott looks at Madison. "He called you too?" Madison nods, jumping onto Stiles' bed. He looks at Stiles. "How much Adderall did you take?"

"Too much," Stiles sighs. "Remember that joke from the other day?" Madison and Scott nod, confused. "Not a joke anymore."

Madison snickers, "Yes, because werewolves exist."

Stiles glares at her, "The wolf, the bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading... Do you know why a wolf howls?"

"To tell its pack where it is." Madison states. Stiles nods.

"A whole pack of wolves?" Scott says, his eyes widening.

"No, werewolves." Stiles corrects. Madison and Scott stop joking around when they see a serious look on Stiles' face.

"You can't be serious." Madison deadpans. Scott seemed to get angry, instead of disbelief.

"Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I have to pick up Allison in an hour." Scott said, getting up to leave.

"Look, Scott and Mads, I'm only trying to help you." Stiles explains to the twins. "I saw you on the field. Your moves were incredible. Not to mention your speed, your reflexes, and the hearing. People don't just have these things happen overnight. And, Scott, don't think I haven't noticed you don't need your inhaler anymore. And, Mads, when is the last time you got a panic attack, huh?"

Madison takes in all the information Stiles said. It did make sense. She used to get a panic attack every night. She would have to call Stiles to calm down. Scott, on the other hand, got angry at his friend. "Okay, I can't think about this right now. We'll talk tomorrow." He said, breathing heavily.

"Tomorrow?" Stiles gapes. "What no- the full moon is tonight! Don't you get it?" This seemed to make Scott angrier. Madison just stayed quiet under Stiles' covers.

"What do you want me to do? I just made first line, I have a date with a girl, who I can't believe actually wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is perfect! Why are you trying to mess it up?" Scott yells, seething. Madison steps in to calm him down.

"Scott, he is just trying to help. He is our best friend, why would he purposely try to ruin your happiness?" Madison says, defending Stiles.

"You're cursed, Scott!" Stiles elaborates. "And it's not just that the moon will cause you to change physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust is at its peak."

"Bloodlust?" Scott repeats.

Stiles sighs, "Your urge to kill."

"I'm already feeling an urge to kill, Stiles." Scott spat, glaring at Stiles. Madison never saw the two friends argue like this.

"Look, your change can be caused by anything that angers you or raises your pulse. Alright, I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison. You gotta cancel this date." Stiles says, getting up to get Scott's phone.

"No," Scott seethes, "If you had a date with Mads, I wouldn't try to screw it up."

Madison perks up, "Hang on, what?" The duo ignore the girl.

"Yeah, but I'm not a blood thirsty werewolf, am I?" Stiles shoots back.

"Wait, does that mean-" Scott cuts Madison off.

"What are you doing?" Scott asks, as Stiles unzips his bag.

Stiles pulls out his phone. "I'm canceling your date."

Scott shoves Stiles to the wall, raising his fist. "Give it to me!"

Madison shoots up from the covers and shoves Scott off of Stiles. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Madison yells at Scott, feeling protective over Stiles. He growled, like a wolf, breathing heavy. He threw Stiles' chair at the wall. As if he had woken up from a trance, he looked around. Stiles was still against the wall, trying to process what happened, while Madison glared at Scott.

"I'm sorry." Scott whispers. "I'm so sorry." He runs out of the room.

Madison looks at Stiles. "I love you, Stiles. I really do, but werewolves?" Stiles grabs his chair and turns it so it faces Madison. Sure enough, large claw marks were engraved into the chair.

"Believe me now?" Stiles asked, as Madison stares, wide-eyed.

"Tell me everything." Madison sighs, falling back onto the bed. Stiles followed in pursuit. He told her everything he knew.

"So you think Scott, the guy who calls for my help to kill a spider in his room, is going to kill Allison because she makes his pulse quicken?" Madison recaps. "Wait... when is the next full moon?" Madison sits up. If this were true, that would mean she is also a werewolf.

"Tonight." Stiles says.

"You should go to the party." Madison says, getting up.

Stiles furrows his eyebrows in confusion, "I thought you wanted to go."

"I do, but if the werewolf thing is true I don't want to hurt anyone at the party." Madison explains. Stiles nods.

"Be safe though, okay?" Stiles whispers, as he kisses her forehead. Madison nods, "I will."


Hey guys! This chapter is shorter than I'd like, but here you go. Thank you so much for reading. Comment and Vote! Please don't be a ghost reader.

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