Chapter 29: summer break part 7

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Hermione POV

It was finally Thursday.

The past few days I've spend in bed, crying.

Harry and Ron came to my dorm a few times but I didn't wanted to speak to them.

I got dressed and when I was done I had another hour left before I had to leave so I just read a book.

Suddenly someone knocked on my door.

'Come in' I said not looking up from my book.

'Hermione, can we please talk?' Ron asked.

'No, I don't want to talk to you. Please leave.' I said not looking up from my book.

'Please just let me explain. After that I'll leave if you want me to.' He said.

'Explain.' I said.

'Lavender gave me chocolates with amortensia so that's why I kissed her. Hermione I love you. It was always you and it will always be you. I understand it if you don't want to be with me anymore but I'd figure that you should know that I didn't do it on purpose.' He said and he walked to the door ready to leave.

'Wait!' I yelled.

'Is this true? Did she give you amortensia?' I asked while walking towards him.

'Yes, I've been trying to tell you for the past few days but you wouldn't let me.' He said.

'I know I'm sorry. Sorry that I reacted like that. I should've listened to you earlier.' I said.

(There was a silence)

'I love you Ron.' I said looking into his eyes 'I really do.'

'I love you too.' He said and he kissed me.

'I still have 40 minutes before I have to leave. Want to watch tv?' I asked.

'Always.' He said.

We watched tv and cuddled until I had to leave.

'Shoot, I need to leave.' I said.

'Where are you going?' He asked. (he meant it like he was interested not like jealous or worried)

'Oh I'm meeting y/n at the three broomsticks.' I said.

'Okay have fun. Tell her I said hi.' He said and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

'I will, bye babe.' I said and I left.


I woke up in Draco's arms.

Today it was Thursday which means that I was going to the three broomsticks with Hermione.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9 o'clock.

I decided to wake Draco up.

I kissed him all over his face. (except his lips)

I then kissed him on his lips and soon he kissed me back.

I pulled back and said 'goodmorning handsome.'

'Goodmorning love.' He said and he kissed me passionately.

Our kiss became more intense and things go really heated.

(They did it)

'I need to change babe.' I said while putting on my underwear that I picked up from the ground.

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