Chapter 12: Christmas break part 2

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'Do I have to share?' I asked.

'Yes, you will probably have a common room and then two bedrooms and two bathrooms.' Cedric said.

'Oh my lord, I didn't know.' I said.

'It's alright. I just hope that Draco doesn't do anything stupid.' He said.

'Same, but I have to pack my stuff now. Meet me in half an hour in the Great Hall.' I said.

'Okay, bye love.' Cedric said.

'Bye babe.' I said and I walked back to my dorm and pack all of my stuff. While I was busy I wrapped Cedric's Christmas present.

When I was done I went to the Great Hall with my stuff and placed it in the corner.

'Hi babe.' I said and I gave Cedric a hug.

'Hi baby.' He said.

We sat down at the huffelpuf table because it was already time for lunch.

When we just finished eating, Draco came to me.

'Grab your stuff and follow me Potter.' He said.

I took my stuff and followed Draco.

'here is our dorm. The password is butter. Don't look at me like that, I didn't came up with it, Helena did.' He said.

'You have the left room.' He said.

'Okay thank you.' I said and I took my stuff into my new room and began to unpack.

When I was done I went to look for Cedric.

I knocked on the door of his dorm.

'Come in.' He said.

'Hey babe, do you want to go for a walk?' I said.

'Sure babe.' Cedric said. He kissed me on the cheek, took my hand and we walked to the lake.

We just walked and talked for a bit and went back for dinner.

*skip dinner

After dinner we went to Cedric's dorm.

'Do you want to watch a movie?' I asked.

'Sure, which one?' Cedric asked.

'It takes two.' I said.

'We didn't even fully watched the clueless😂.' Cedric said.

'Okay okay, we'll watch clueless.' I said.

We both laid down on his bed and watched the movie.

After the movie we decided to just cuddle and talk for a bit.

'I love you y/n.' Cedric said.

'I love you too Cedric.' I said.

*the next morning

'Cedric, wake up! You have to leave in an hour!' I said.

'Shit, you're right.' He said.

'Of course I am.' I said.

We got dressed and went to the Great Hall for breakfast.

The train was going to leave at 10 and it was already 9:30 so I went to my dorm to get Cedric's present and went to his dorm.

I walked into his dorm and said 'may I give my present first?'

'Of course baby.' Cedric said.

I gave him his present and he opened it.

'Wow! Cool sweater! Thanks baby.' He said and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

'Here.' He said while handing me a little box.

I opened it and it was a beautiful ring with a yellow stone in it. There was also a little card in the box, it said : its yellow so when you look at it you will think of me I hope~love Cedric.

'Thank you! And of course I'll think of you silly.' I said and I kissed him.

'May I?' He asked.

'Of course.' I said and I gave him the ring.

He put the ring on my finger and kissed my hand.

I smiled at him and we talked for a bit.

'Oh we need to get to the train!' I said.

'Let's go then.' Cedric said.

When we arrived at the train station the train was already there.

I kissed him and hugged him before he had to go in the train.

'Goodbye babe.' He said 'I'll see you soon!'

'Goodbye my love.' I said.

I waved at Cedric and then the train left.

I went back to Hogwarts and went to look for Harry and Hermione.

I went to Hermione's dorm and knocked.

'Come in.' Hermione said.

'Hii' I said.

'Hi y/n.' Harry said.

'Hi!' Hermione said 'do you guys want to go Christmas shopping? I didn't have time yesterday so I don't have any presents yet.'

'Ofc! I need to get some too!' I said.

'Sure.' Harry said.

We went to hogsmade.

'We'll meet at the three broomsticks in two hours okay?' Hermione said.

Harry and I agreed and we all split up.

I went into a few stores and got some cute gifts for everyone.

When I had bought all the gifts I went to the three broomsticks.

Hermione and Harry were already there so I walked towards them and took a seat next to Hermione.

'So, how are you and Ron Hermione?' I asked.

'Well actually me and Ron are going on a date after Christmas break!' Hermione said.

'OMG that's amazing!' I said.

'And you and Ginny?' I asked while I looked at Harry.

'We're kinda dating now but we didn't make it official. Yet.' He said with a smile.

'How are you and Cedric?' Hermione asked.

'We're great!' I said 'also, guess who is going to be a prefect?!'

'Really?! Congratulations!!' Hermione said.

'That's great y/n! Who is the other prefect?' Harry asked.

'Don't get mad.' I said 'but it's Draco...'

'WHAT?! NO NOT HIM' Harry said.

'Harry calm down.' Hermione said.

'Harry, Draco can be nice sometimes, don't worry about it. We only share a common room. We have separate dorms.' I said.

'I don't like him😒.' Harry said.

We talked a bit more and went back to Hogwarts.

Since it was pretty late I decided to go to sleep and while I was laying in bed I saw something move.

It was too dark to see what or who it was. Suddenly it began to move towards me...

It was standing next to my bed and it grabbed my wrist.


I felt a hand on my mouth and I couldn't scream anymore.

Suddenly everything went black, I fainted.....

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