Chapter 28: summer break part 6

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We ate lunch and made a shopping list.

We went to Hogsmeade, brought all the stuff we needed and returned to the manor.

We placed our stuff on the table and went to the kitchen.

'First we need to pre-heat the oven.' I said and I walked towards the oven.

'Euh how do I do that?😂' I asked.

'Let me help you.' Draco said and he turned on the oven 'how many degrees?'

'180 degrees.' I said.

'Done.' He said.

'What would I do without you...' I said.

'Nothing😌' He said.

'Idiot🙄😂' I said.

'What's the next step?' He asked.

'We need to put the sugar and butter in a bowl and mix it.' I said.

We put the ingredients into the bowl.

'Y/n?' He asked.

'Yes' I said.

'Is there supposed to be butter on your nose?' He asked.

'No? Do I have butter on my nose?' I asked.

'Now you do.' He said and he puts some butter on my nose.

''Noooo. You're such an asshole.' I said 'I hate you.'

'You love me😊' he said.

'You know, I do. Can you hold your hands like this?' I asked.

Draco placed his hands like a little bowl and I put some flour in it.

'Watch this.' I said.

'What are you going to-' he said.

I blew and he got covered with flour.

'Are you supposed to be covered by flour?🤣' I asked.

'Not funny.' He said.

'But it is very funny teddybear.' I said.

'You're going to regret that.' He said and he began to tickle me.

'No draco stop🤣 please stop🤣.' I laughed.

'No, you need to learn your lesson.' He said.

After sometime he finally stopped and I kissed him.

'Lets make that cake.' I said.

We followed the steps and placed the cake into the oven.

'And now?' He asked.

'We wait.' I said.

'Ugh I hate waiting. Wanna watch a movie in the living while we wait?' He asked.

'Sure.' I said and we went to the living room.

We watched a movie and cuddled.

We watched a movie and cuddled

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