Chapter 25: summer break part 3

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'I have no idea what you're talking about....' he said.

'Don't lie to me Malfoy.' I said.

'I'm not!' He said.

'Yes you are!' I yelled.

'I guess my brother was right after all. I shouldn't have come here.' I said 'I should've never fall in love with you...'

I ran away to the backyard without thinking.

Fuck fuck fuck

I couldn't leave without all my stuff. I was so busy with the fact that Draco is a death eater and lies about it that I didn't take my stuff. I couldn't leave without it so I decided to stay outside for a bit and just sit in the grass and cry.

I've never felt this empty inside.

Time passed quickly and I decided it was time to pack my stuff.

When I walked into my room I saw Draco sitting on my bed, crying.

'Why do I always mess up! She's the only one that makes me happy. The one thing why I'm still alive. And I messed up. I need her. How will I ever get her back.' He whispered to himself but I could hear him.

'I would start with explaining why you lied, why you're here and why you're suddenly a death eater and didn't tell me.' I said.

'Y/n I can explain.' He said.

'I'm waiting.' I said.

'I didn't wanted too, my father is forcing me too. I was scared that you would leave me if you knew. And now you know and you're leaving.' He said.

'Why would you're father do that?' I asked.

'Because he's evil!' He said 'I can't loose you y/n. I love you.'

'I need time Draco. I need to think. Can you please leave?' I asked.

'Okay, I'll wait for you. I'm so sorry. I love you.' He said and he walked away.

I just sat on my bed for hours thinking about Draco and the situation, about what Voldemort said, how Draco loves me and how he lied to me. It's just too much.

I couldn't sleep so I ran a bath and got into it.

After my bath I went to sleep.

The next day I stayed in my room, just reading and thinking.

I wasn't hungry at all.

Around dinner time I went downstairs to get some food.

Lucius, Narcissa and Draco were all eating dinner at the dinner table.

'I'm just getting a banana.' I said and I walked to the kitchen before they could respond.

I took a banana and a bottle of water and went upstairs again.

In my room I ate my banana and drank my water.

I'd decided that I would forgive Draco because his dad forced him.

And I love him too much.

I can't lose him, he's my everything.

Although I'm not going to join Voldemort.

I'm not going to betray my brother and friends.

I took a shower and changed into some comfy clothes.

I knocked on Draco's door.

'Come in.' He said.

'Hi.' I said quietly.

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