Chapter 16 Retention Deficit

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Simmons, Donut, and Lopez were gathered at the entrance of Red base, checking for any movement.

Simmons: I'm out.

Donut: Me too.

Simmons: Well, that's it. I guess we're done then.

Donut: Yeah. Simmons, I have to say, I didn't think I would go out like this.

Simmons: Yeah whatever that's nice.

Donut: You're not curious about how I thought I'd go out?

Simmons: No. No, not in the least.

Donut: How 'bout you? Did you think you'd go out like this?

Simmons: Underequipped and surrounded by people I hate? Yeah, that's pretty much how I pictured it since I got assigned to this unit. Y'see, I'm a realist.

Lopez: (Spanish) I always thought I would be taken out by poor maintenance.

Simmons: Lopez is right, we need to think of something.

Donut: Can we escape?

Simmons: I don't see how. He's faster than us and stronger than us.

Lopez: (Spanish) Plus, somebody blew up all our vehicles.

Donut: Good idea Lopez!

Simmons: You understood what he said?

Donut: Yeah! High school Spanish, remember? He said the Meta must've gotten here some way.

Lopez: (Spanish) I did?

Donut: We just need to find his vehicle, and steal it!

Simmons: That's a good idea Lopez!

Lopez: (Spanish) It is? No it isn't.

Simmons: Okay, let's think. If you were a crazed lunatic, where would you hide a vehicle? 

Lopez: (Spanish) Maybe he cloaked it. That's what I would do.

Donut: A garage is too obvious, Lopez. We need to think of something crazier.

Lopez: (Spanish) Stop translating for me!

Donut: Crazier!

Lopez: (Spanish) That wasn't even a suggestion!

Simmons: Well, Lopez is clearly having an off day, so let's ignore him.

Lopez: (Spanish) Fuck you guys.

Simmons: So, we're looking for some kind of vehicle. . . probably parked by Blue base. . .

Lopez: (Spanish) You're talking as if you know there's a vehicle!

Donut: What if it only has two seats? Church

Simmons: Hmm, I didn't think about that. Hey Lopez, turn off your ears for a sec.

Lopez: (Spanish) What? Why would I do that?

Simmons: Okay, are they off.

Lopez: (Spanish) Yes, they're off. That's why I can answer you.

Simmons: Okay good. *mutters* If there's no room, we'll just leave Lopez. He's pretty much expendable, and they won't be able to get any info out of him anyway.

Donut: I feel bad about it though, he's been so loyal.

Simmons: So what? He's a robot, he has to be loyal. Dogs are loyal too, but that doesn't mean you can't eat them when you're stranded in an arctic outpost and command can't get rations through because of a seasonal blizzard.

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