Chapter 5 Local Host

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Caboose: Hello? Hello?

He and Donut were still on the roof, facing the computer they spoke to Wash through.

Caboose: Agent Washington? Are you there? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?

Donut: Um, I think he hung up.

Caboose: No, I don't think so. I don't think he'd do anything like that. . . hello? Hello.

Donut: Oh, well I think I'll just head back to my base. If you think you have anything that could help me with that desert situation just give me a ring.

Caboose: Okay.

Donut: You need any help with your Frankenstein friend project?

Caboose: Oh, no. But, er, if you see any mechanical parts laying around that. . . look friendly, would you save them for us?

Donut: Well sure! I can ask Sarge if you can use  his underground secret workshop. Heard the guys talking about it, it sounded cool!

Caboose: Oh, that sounds great!

Donut: He doesn't usually like letting the enemy use our equipment, but maybe I'll catch him in a good mood.

Caboose: Oh! You could try killing the orange one first. That would probably put him in a great mood.

Donut: Yeah. . . that's a good idea and all, but Ruby put up all these rules against killing people from our team.

Caboose: Lame.

Donut: Tell me about it.

Caboose: No, I don't think we have rules like that on Blue team.

South: Yeah, because unlike that Church guy, we can actually die.

She and Kaikaina arrived on the roof.

Donut: Man, our teams suck!

The pink soldier jumped into the grav lift and was sent flying.

Caboose: Oh. . . so that's how that works.

Caboose went inside while Kaikaina and South stayed outside. . .

Kaikaina: Hey?

South: Yeah?

Kaikaina: You ever wonder why we're here?

South: I don't know, I'm here because Ruby saved me, what about you?

Kaikaina: No, I meant why did we come outside?

South: Oh. . . Wanna go inside?

Kaikaina: Yeah sure.

Meanwhile, Caboose approached the Epsilon unit.

Caboose: Secret underground workshop, huh? Well, I have to try something. I don't seem to be very good about doing this on my own.

A fire then started out of nowhere.

Caboose: Ah, right. Now how did that even start?!

*With the Reds*

The Red team stood in front of their base.

Sarge: Men, with Donut captured. I think we should abandon our previous plan of not attacking the Blues and institute a new plan, attacking the Blues.

Simmons: Good.

Ruby: *sighs*

Sarge: Winning a war is one thing, having a captured man is quite another. I can't stand by knowing we've left a man behind. So I need a volunteer to run a suicide rescue mission. This won't be easy, and you're almost certain to die.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: RecreationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ