Thunder - Changbin (FLUFF)

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Almost Lovers

Rain crashed onto the pavement, wind violently thrashing around. (NAME) held her umbrella tightly, her hands pale from doing that. The dark clouds circled around Seoul, bringing temporary chaos to the outside world. 

(NAME) paid no mind to it. Instead, she treasured it. Finally feeling like her mind was at rest, she splashed in the puddles, twirling around like a dancer. She sang to her heart's content, smiling and living the best she could at the moment.

And as thunder growled, she stopped abruptly, as her (skirt/baggy pants) fluttered in the wind. She felt a buzz in her pocket, and as she peered at the bright screen, a wide grin formed on her frostbitten face.

"Hey Changbin." She said casually, ignoring the shake of her voice.

"H- hey," Changbin stuttered. His voice was filled with fear, as she heard him shiver. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" She asked, a small frown on her face. "Are you okay?"

"Y- yeah..." Changbin paused. "It's the thunder... (NAME), I know this is sudden, but you were the first person to come to mind. I- I need someone to cuddle."

"I'm on my way, Changbin." (NAME)'s voice became soft as she shoved her phone in her pocket, sprinting towards his house.

Thunder roared again, and (NAME) couldn't help but think of how helpless and scared Changbin felt. Mud ruined her socks, but at that moment she couldn't care less. She breathed in and out quickly, each breath making her heart ache. She lost her umbrella on the way, cursing to herself, promising that she's find it tomorrow morning.

She knocked hastily on his door, hair dripping wet and shivering. 

Changbin slowly opened the door, wrapped in blankets. He scrambled up to her, gripping her shoulders. "(NAME)!" He screeched. His eyes softened. "Why'd you... why'd you get wet just to see me? Why couldn't you bring an umbrella?" 

He pulled her inside, lighting a fire. "(NAME), you'll get sick... you're shaking."

"It's fine," (NAME) smiled sincerely, sitting down next to it. "Besides, you're scared of-"

Thunder crackled and Changbin jumped into (NAME)'s arms. "Sorry.." He mumbled.

(NAME) chuckled, pulling him closer. "it's alright Changbin, nothing to apologise for." She stroked his hair while humming. "Besides, you called me to hug you... because you're scared of thunder."

"Yeah," He whispered, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her. "I am."

They sat quietly, and as thunder boomed, Changbin held (NAME) closer. They stayed like that, both hearts pounding erratically, and (NAME) hummed a lullaby, hoping to calm Changbin down.

"Thank you (NAME)," Changbin mumbled suddenly. He played with her hair, licking his dry lips. "You're the only one who doesn't judge me of this childish fear."

(NAME) laughed softly, looking down at Changbin who was in the crook of her neck from embarrassment. "Why would I? There's nothing to gain from making fun of you. All it will do is make both of us feel worse,"

Changbin quietly agreed, gasping suddenly when it crashed again.

(NAME) caressed his cheeks, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "It's okay, Changbin. Hey, hey look at me," She tapped his nose. "We're safe in here, see?" She smiled, motioning to his living room. "We're going to be okay, I'll stay by your side until your fear disappears... no matter how long it takes."

She held out her pinky, as they interlocked their fingers. "I promise you that."

"Thank you, (NAME)... I trust you."

Changbin hated how it felt right, how he though about (NAME) in a way that definitely wasn't platonic. He hated how just even a little gesture, a few words... heck, just the thought of her drove him crazy. He hated how he stared for a little too long, how when she'd catch him looking, she'd smile. A warm, bright smile that lit his heart on fire.

Fuck, and just the moment, the way they were hugging, just made his desire for her even more annoying. The way confidence radiated off her, the way she could sound so reassuring with little words, the way she found joy in everything.

He wanted for (NAME) to be his, to kiss her, to hug her, to laugh and to cry. 

But he knew that he would never have the confidence to confess. And he was fine with that. After all, he never wanted to destroy their friendship, he'd never be able to live with it.

And so he decided to remain silent about his love, at least just for now, until they both were truly ready.

"I love you," He whispered, as (NAME)'s eyes fluttered close. "Please wait for me,"

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