"Hi, Natsu-san." Juvia said both frantically and nervously. "Juvia was just wondering if Gray-sama was here." She held her hands together promptly, hoping that he would be there.

"Actually Gray-" Natsu was cut off at the sound of shattering glass. He instinctively spun around to a disastrous scene, displaying a broken window, shards of glass everywhere, and no Gray to be found. "Just left." Natsu finished the thought differently than he originally intended.

Juvia heard the shattering too, and she had her answer. Her Gray-dar never failed her. Using her Gray-dar she quickly scurried to the back of the house, crossing her fingers that Gray hadn't gotten away yet. The first thing she heard was a hiss of pain, and as she turned the corner, there sat her Gray in the ground, holding his bloody knee.

"Son of a bitch!" Gray yelled in pain, applying more pressure to his cut knee. Sure, he was used to getting beaten to a pulp in a fight, but he wasn't exactly expecting a busted up knee right about now.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia's eyes widened at the blood, and she hurried to his side.

Gray finally realized her presence. He stopped writhing in pain for a moment, and tried to appear as casual as usual. "Oh..." He forced a laugh. "Hey Juvia. what are you doin' here?"

"Juvia should be asking you the same thing." She knelt by Gray's side. "But first, let Juvia help."

"I'm fine."

"Let Juvia see it, Gray-sama."

He sighed, giving in and releasing his hold. Juvia quickly took her hands and placed them on Gray's knee. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly her hands became water, but it wasn't normal water. It was soothing, and it was making the stinging in Gray's knee go away.

"Juvia has been working on some healing techniques. It's nothing like Wendy, but I can heal some minor, surface-level things." She explained, using her water hands to massage the area.

"Now that Juvia has finally caught you, why have you been avoiding me?" She finally looked at Gray who blushed at the sudden eye contact.

"I haven't." Gray tried to sound as natural as possible.

All Juvia had to do was give him a look that practically screamed "oh, please." before he cracked. "Ok, fine. I've been avoiding you."

"Juvia knows!" She exclaimed.

"I just don't want things to be awkward between us!" He explained.

"But you don't think avoiding me for days would make it awkward?" Juvia finally finished his knee and reverted her hands back to normal.

Gray groaned. "You're right." He ran his hand through his hair, trying to hide his face.

"Is this about... the other night?" Juvia finally asked.

"Do ya' really have to even ask?" Gray avoided eye contact.

"But Juvia thought the night went well! I had a lot of fun!"

"So did I! Until..." He cut himself off.

"Until we almost kissed?" Juvia finished it for him.


"I see." Juvia paused. "Are Juvia's lips chapped?"

"Huh?" He finally peaked up at her.

"Or did Juvia have something in her teeth maybe?" She was going into panic mode.

"No that's not-"

Juvia cut him off with as gasp, and her hands slapped against her mouth. "Or does Juvia's breath stink?! Is that it?!"

"Would you knock it off!" Gray finally stopped her. "It doesn't have to do with any of that stuff.

"Oh." Juvia sunk. "So Gray-sama just does not want to kiss Juvia then."

"No!" He instantly cut off that thought, even though he was embarrassed by how eager he sounded. "Not that either." He grumbled.


"We were drunk. Yes, we were having fun and all, but, I dunno'." Gray grumbled, looking for the right words. "We haven't had our first kiss yet. So when we do, I want it to be... kinda'... special. I guess. In a way." Gray finished with some filler words to try and take the heat away from his face, but it was no use.

"S-s-special?! Gray-sama wants our kiss to be special?!" Juvia lit up, almost freezing in time waiting for someone to pinch her, because she figured this had to be a dream. However, she still was a bit lost, so she put a pause on her momentary fantasy. "Wait, so then why have you been avoiding me?"

"Because I didn't know how to tell you all that. I was trying to buy some time until I could figure out what to say." Gray released a deep exhale. "But I guess I've said it all now."

"You sure have." Juvia said giddily right before she launched herself at Gray, tightly clutching Gray's shoulders in her arms as her cheek was pressed up firmly against his.

"Gah!" Gray shouted in surprise, trying to keep his balance as Juvia leeched onto him. They were still sitting, but she almost knocked him flat on his back.

"But you know what, Gray-sama?" Juvia broke her clutch, making sure she was looking right at Gray.

"What?" He looked down at her curiously.

"Juvia thinks every moment with Gray-sama is special. So to Juvia, any time is perfect for a first kiss." She smiled so sweetly is made Gray's heart just about burst.

"Yeah?" Gray felt the corner of his mouth tug up.

"Yep." She nodded in assurance.

"If you say so."

And without a second thought, Gray closed the gap between them, planting a sweet and soft kiss on Juvia's lips. As they parted, they leaned in and pressed their foreheads against each other, both wearing matching grins.

"That looked pretty special from in here!" Happy interjected from inside the house, followed by Natsu's laughter.

Gray and Juvia jumped, startled by the sudden noise. "Happy, shut it!" Gray turned his head, looking through what used to be a window, and seeing Natsu and Happy standing in their living room.

"Maybe we wouldn't be able to hear you two slobbering on each other if there was a window here!" Natsu yelled, referring to the gaping hole in the middle of his wall.

"We were not slobbering, you moron!" Gray blushed furiously, finally standing up and facing Natsu.

"That's what it looked like to me!" Natsu teased back, wearing a devious smile.

"Aye!" Happy seconded.

"Mind your business, flame-for-brains!"

"Next time you need to hide out for a week, you ain't comin' here!" Natsu shouted.

"Fine by me." Gray scoffed.

He then looked back at Juvia as she appeared a little on edge, wondering if she was going to have to break up a fight between Gray and Natsu.

He grinned once again, at the girl he couldn't wait to spend more special time with, making more memories, and growing even closer

He reached for Juvia's hand and squeezed it. "I was gettin' tired of running away anyway."

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