Chapter nine

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*Back To Your POV*

"Yeah what's up?" you stopped walking and looked at him "Gally uh..." he said while uncomfortably scratching the back of his head "Well spit it out, can't be that bad." you say trying to joke with him to ease the tension "Gally was dared by one of the Gladers to try and get in your a-uh pants." he looked to the ground trying to avoid my eyes "Oh... my god. Thanks for te-telling me." you tear up and run off

"Oh hey Y/N!" you hear and look up to see none other than "Gally." you were upset about what Thomas told me "Did you talk to Alb-" before he could finish you walked off with tears streaming down my face. you just want to be alone so you run off to the deadheads and climb a tree and sit on the highest branch possible and just cry about what Thomas told you.

*Time skip to later that night*

It's night now and you are still in the tree thinking and crying when you hear a branch snap "Who's there?!" you say while wiping your tears "Y/N, are you okay?" you hear Gally say as he climbs the tree "Just go away." you said harshly "I'm not leaving till you tell me what's wrong." he sits on the other side of the tree looking at you "Then I'm leaving" you climb down the tree as fast as possible without falling "Come on Y/N, talk to me!" you hear a thud and realise that he climbed down to "Y/N tell me what's wrong?" he takes your hands so you can't walk away "I know about the dare okay!? Now leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you ever again!"

you say and snatch your hands out of his and speed walk through the forest and cut your cheek pretty deep on a branch and hit your head, you wince in pain and make your way to the med-jacks hut

"Hey Y/N you okay?" You hear Jeff say "Yeah fine, just cut my cheek and hit my head. It's a deep one by how the branch caught it and how the pain is spread around." you say sitting down in a chair so he can look at it "Ok well I still need to look to make sure." he says laughing copying my tone of voice

"Don't copy me." you say frustrated, he sits down and looks at the scratch you have and looks at you surprised "Wow, you are right it is a deep one. You should have your job be a med-jack." he says while grabbing supplies "Anything to keep me away from Gally." he sits back down and starts cleaning your cut

"I'm confused. What did Gally do?" he says while whipping off the blood on your cheek "Well he played truth or dare at the bonfire to welcome me to the Glade and was dared to get close to me and try and get in my pants." he sits back in the chair and then starts grabbing stitches "I can tell you three things. One: Gally didn't play truth or dare at the bonfire at all. Two: this is going to hurt and three, you need to stay here tonight so I can monitor your head." you look at him then his hands and see the stitches

"Okay then why did Thomas tell me he did? I'm also ready when you are'' you start gripping the arm of the chair when he stitches your cut "Woah Thomas told you that? I have no clue why. Maybe to start drama because it's boring here sometimes, or to keep you guys away from each other." He says laughing,

"I-I don't, hold on. SHUCK SAKES!" You squeeze your eyes closed as tight as possible and then sigh in relief when Jeff stops stitching you up and whips the blood "Jeez that hurt, anyways. I don't know at this point, could have been a different game you weren't in or it could be a lie but I am tired so I am going to get some rest. Thanks Jeff." you say getting into one of the cots in the med-jacks hut. "Your welcome Y/N, if you need anything come get me or Clint, we will be in one of these rooms." he says pointing to two of the rooms and walks into one and closes the door. You lay down and think about what Thomas said

"Maybe he doesn't really like me. Maybe Thomas is lying to me to make drama. Mayb-" Your thoughts get interrupted by falling asleep, probably the adrenaline wearing off and realising how tired you actually are.


Hiya guys/gals/non binary! The last time I edited or wrote a chapter for this book was March 10th, 2021. Rereading these chapters and everything I noticed how much my writing has grown since then, like my style. Thanks to a lot of things like my bestie, reading, and my own expectations or goals I set for myself I feel I would like to write a new story for Gally and yet to be named. I will be using a name and not Y/N for that book, I will also be doing height, hair color, eye color, personality, and voice. So I will be creating a brand new character, molding the character to my liking and who/what I visualize when writing. This new book I write will not be like my 'My Sunshine' story, so they will stay in the glade. I absolutely will not use this plot because I find it cringy? In a way. I also have been reading a lot more than I did before when I made my account, so I feel when I write a new chapter and edit then read over it, I compare it to other stories I've read and rewrite it to my liking. But I will update you all on the process and when I will publish the story. 

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