Decisions Are Made

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*Back To Your POV*

You and Gally grab breakfast and go sit down with Minho and Ben, "Good morning" you say with a big smile "Morning lovebirds! How'd you sleep?" Minho says and Ben winks "You heard about that already?" Gally said annoyed "We heard the screaming and walked over before getting breakfast. What happened?" Ben asked confused

"Um well-" Gally said before being interrupted "Long story short Zart tried raping me and now he's in huge trouble, and Gally beat the shuck out of him and Thomas was mad that I snuck out to Gally's hut." you say really fast not really wanting to talk about it. You feel someone grab your thigh, you look down and see Gally's hand there. You look back up to Ben and Minho, their face's drops and they get really mad about Zart "I'm so sorry that happened to you..." Ben says really soft, Minho just looks to you feeling bad and having to see you like that last night, you feel Gally's grip on your thigh get tighter, you could tell he was jealous so you put your hand on his and you feel him loosen his grip

"Thanks guy's, Well good luck with running today." You say as they stand up "Thanks, Bye guys." Minho says getting up and running off with Ben to the maze. You look at Gally and see him blushing lightly. "Well I have to find a job so I am going to talk with Alby." you say getting up "Bye Gals." you kiss his cheek and walk off, you look behind you and see Gally watching you walk off and now he is bright red covering his freckles with a small but sweet smile. you giggle turning around to find Alby "Hey Y/N, we need to talk about some stuff."

Alby said with a concerned face "Yeah, I need a job right?" you say a little confused "Not just that but I called a meeting in the Homestead for Gally and Zart's punishment." he says leading you to the Homestead "Oh, yeah. S-sure I guess." You guys walk in and you see people walking in behind you. you look down to the center of the semi circle and see 3 chairs and you see Zart in one and the other two open, you sit in the one farthest away from Zart. Gally walks in and sits down looking at you. "We are here to discuss what happened last night between these three." Alby says pointing to you three "Y/N could you come here and tell your point of view and then answer questions after?" Alby says waving you to come over "Yes." you say standing up slowly and walking over.

You take a big deep breath "Last night at the bonfire I told Newt and Thomas that I was going to go to the bathroom and then go watch the fight circle as I promised Gally. I went to the bathroom and when I was walking back through the forest" you say tearing up "Zart came up from behind me putting a hand over my mouth and pinning me to a tree. I tried screaming and breaking free but it was no use. I was able to ask who he was and Zart said 'It's me baby.' He tried taking off my shirt and pants and hit me in the stomach for trying to resist when he went flying and 4 people came running over. I couldn't tell who pushed Zart but I could see Minho, Alby, Newt, and my brother Thomas's face. Thomas was hugging me when I saw who pushed and beat up Zart and saw Gally being held back by Newt and Minho and Zart being held by Alby."

You say as tears stream down your face, Alby hugs you and you hug him back looking for comfort. He pulls away from the hug saying "Any questions for her?" A boy raised his hand and Alby pointed to him "Yes Winston?" giving him permission to talk "First thing I would like to ask is are you okay?" he looks at you concerned "I will be" you say with a slight smile "Okay good, I'm glad. Second, do you have proof that he was hitting you or anything? Maybe you were drunk and led him on?" he said, questioning trying to see it from both point of views "I uh- I do..." you say lifting your shirt high enough showing huge bruises on your stomach. I pulled my shirt down and at the same time you said "About being drunk, I was not. You can ask Newt, Minho, or Thomas. I was with them the entire time till I left to the bathroom, they didn't see me drink a drop of it." after your excused you go outside to think alone and to get some air. 

The Forbidden Love (Gally xx Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon