The Moment When

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You can skip this chapter if you need but it is a important part to the story, I hope you are enjoying it so far! 

You go to the bathroom and wash your hands then leave. Your making your way to the bonfire, when someone grabs your hand swinging you around pinning you to the tree while covering your mouth. your trying to get out of their grip but it's no use. 

You are able to make out a couple words "W-who are you!?" you say struggling "Its me baby, don't you recognize me?" you are able to see the persons face "Z-Z-Zart... What do you want from me?!" you say still trying to get out of his grip but he just squeeze's harder 

"Well you, of course!" He covers your mouth and starts trying to take off your shirt before he goes flying to the side. Your eyes are wide open and your crying when you see someone get on top of Zart and starts  punching the crap out of him. 

You start screaming for help when Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Alby come over seeing you crying and someone beating someone else up. Newt, Minho, and Alby run over breaking up the fight, and Thomas comes to you hugging you while your crying. 

You look up from hugging Thomas to see who was beating up Zart, you see Gally being held back by Newt and Minho and Alby holding Zart.  You see Gally trying to get loose to beat Zart up more "Let me go! Let go you shanks!" Gally says trying to get to Zart. You run over in front of Gally and just hug him.  He stops trying to get out of Newt and Minho's grip and just stands there

Thomas pulled you off of Gally and they bring Gally and Zart to the slammer putting them both in. You're running after them outrunning Thomas. "He deserved it, Zart deser-" Alby interrupts him "Shut it Gally, I don't want a word from you right now" he says angry at Gally. "Listen to Y/N! She will tell you!"

 "STOP!" you scream "Take Gally out now!" you're screaming and crying "We can't, Gally started beating up Zart for no reason so he is a threat to us all." Alby says calmly "No! You don't understand! He saved me!" you explain it all to them and Thomas tries to hug you but you push him off of you walking up to Alby. 

"Now get Gally out of there" you say very aggressively, They look at you surprised that you're being aggressive "Fine I'll do it myself" you walk over unlocking it and helping Gally out. when he stands up you hug him tight and lightly start crying. "He hugs you back tightly "Shh shh shh." he says quietly trying to calm you down. 

After about two minutes of silently hugging and the boys standing there shocked, you let go of the hug and look at Gally's hands to see he has cuts and bruises. "Oh my god, Gally." you say worried "What?" he looks down and see's you looking at his hands "It's okay, I don't feel it." trying to play it off but you insist on taking him to Jeff and he finally agrees. 

*Gally's POV*

I decided to take a break from the circle for a couple minutes to grab a drink, I'm leaning on a tree when I start hearing muffled screaming and people talking quietly. I all of a sudden get a bad feeling and feel I should go check it out. 

I'm walking through the woods when I see Y/N crying, struggling and Zart trying to take off her shirt.  I drop my drink and charge over pushing Zart off and he goes flying, I sit on top of him and start beating him up feeling furious about what he did when I get pulled off. 

While trying to get out of their grip I yell "Let me go! Let go you shanks!" I suddenly feel someone hugging me so I stop resisting and look down to see its Y/N. Thomas pulls her off of me and then Minho and Newt start dragging me to the slammer. I start talking to try and get them to understand me "He deserved it, Zart deser-" Alby interrupts me which he never does so that surprised me "Shut it Gally, I don't want a word from you right now" 

They toss me in when I see Y/N running and screaming to let me out. I know they won't let me out so I just sit on the floor. I hear her talking but can't hear what exactly she's talking about, when I hear the door being unlocked. I stand up and see Y/N there unlocking it, I climb out and as soon as I stand up she hugs me, I hug her back and try to comfort her. 

She pulls away from the hug and I'm looking down at her just admiring her when she says "Oh my god" I get worried trying to figure out what's wrong and say "What?" I look down farther to see her looking at my hands. "It's okay, I don't feel it." Honestly I did feel it, I was just more worried about her in that moment. She was begging me to let her take me to Jeff so I finally just said yes and we made our way there. 

The Forbidden Love (Gally xx Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum