Meeting Amnesia

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She grinned widely at Jack, with a sick twisted look in her eye.

"She loves Jack." I thought, looking at the way she was looking at Jack. "Well, well well. Looks like Jacky decided to drop in." She replied, dropping from the roof and giving him a sarcastic grin. "Glad you and your- girlfriend, could arrive." She said, glaring at me as she said girlfriend.

Before we could protest andything she rushed us along into the hidden basement, and we found Jeff. Jeff was tied to a chair, gagged, and had a pissed off look across his face. Jack lunged for Jeff, and the girl put out her leg and made him trip.

"Ah ah AHh!" She said cooingly, ticking her finger in front of him. "Before you can win back your friend, you have to play a series of... Games." She replied, giving us a deadly stare and a small smile that gave me a bigger chill than her huge jacked up grin.

"What game?!" Jack shouted angerly. She smiled wider, and stepped in front of him.

"You find the key that unlocks your little boyfriend, and unlock him before the time runs out, you all can walk out of here alive. If not, the 'ropes' around his wrists, ankles, torso and waist will begin to contract slowly with a press of a button with remote," She replied, pressing the button and to show the ropes tightening around him.

"What this will actually do, it can contract to the point it's so small it can fit in the palm of your hand, so it will basically kill him, unless you're able to free him with a key, hidden in this room." She said, realising the button and the ropes returned to their original tightness, Jeff letting out a suffocated whimper.

"The timer starts when I walk out the door, and five minutes after, the ropes will begin to slowly contract." She added, walking out the door. As soon as the door's latch hit the mechanics to lock it, everything else in the room like windows and even the closet door locked.

"Shit, Jeff! How'd you find this crazy bitch?!" He shouted, looking at him. He tried to speak but relentlessly he couldn't.

I went over to take off the gag, but like the contracting ropes the gag was made just like them, able to contract and crush his jaw if we didn't hurry

We searched relentlessly in every corner nook and cranny until Jack started getting pissed then the ropes began to contract around a freaked out Jeff.

"Wait! What if it's somewhere we wouldn't believe?!" I ask loudly, not to Jack but the girl that I knew was somewhere in the small shack. The contraction with Jeff's bonds slowed down, telling me I was right, and decided to look in the vents, the books from the bookcase, but nothing.

They were clenched around Jeff before we figured out where the key was. He was crying and trying to be strong, figuring that he was going to die, and I had Jack lift me up to unscrew the light, grab the key and screw it back.

When we could see again Jeff had small drops of blood coming from his mouth as the one around the torso and waist constricting him. We unbuckled his waist and torso quickly, seeing that he had purple black and blue bruises, and internal bleeding.

"He's dying," I thought, looking at him as he was going in and out of consciousness. "his body from the inside is crushed, almost in half."

I uhshackled his gag, his wrists and ankles, and suddenly the bonds quit contracting, and expanded and the door opened, allowing us to leave. As we carried Jeff back to the house, a small, dark chuckle followed us all the way home.

An evil sound I still have nightmares about.

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