Chapter Thirty

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Freddie's Point of View

I feel jealous Auston gets to spend the day with Addie. I can't help but feel any day now she will tell him how she feels. I can't help but feel any day now, I'll find out the woman I've found myself falling for, doesn't feel the same.

I had some work to do with the goalie coach today, otherwise I would have been there for her; like I wished I could have been. The car accident was terrifying; we were both lucky to come out of it with only minor injuries; though if you ask Aubrey, Addie's injury was much more severe than what met the eye. She was being a little overprotective of Addie.

I walked out of the arena, eyeing the time. It was only slightly after two; I knew Aubrey was going to be at work until at least four. I shook the thought from my mind. She didn't need me there. If she wanted me there, she would have asked. I frown, looking at my phone. Why was this so hard?

"Oh, hey man" I look up from my phone to see Morgan leaving the rink. He looks a little lost, though I'm not sure why.

"Hey dude, what's up?" I ask, wondering why he's at the rink. It was an off day for us; well, minus Jack and I. We were discussing some things with the goalie coach, but none of the other players were required to be there.

"Just wanted to get a skate in" he says with a shrug, and it's obvious there's something up with him. He's never been very good at hiding his emotions; he's been that way ever since I can remember upon meeting him.

"Everything all good?" I ask, wondering if it's something he wants to talk about.

"Oh- uh, have you talked to Addie?" He asks, and my heart momentarily drops. Did she tell Auston she had feels for him? Was Addie going to tell me but hasn't yet?

"Uh- not today, no" I tell him, hoping it has nothing to do with me.

"Well, shit went down with Aubrey last night" he begins to explain, and I try not to let on how relieved I am that it's not related to me. I feel a little bit of guilt; how selfish I am to assume that?

"What happened?" I ask, as we both walk out into the parking lot. We're about to walk out the door when he stops, letting out a big sigh. He leans up against the wall, and closes his eyes for a moment.

"She told me she loved me" he says, and I'm not quite sure how to respond to that. He sees my apprehension, so he continues. "I didn't say it back" and his answer surprises me. They seemed to really be into each other; I thought they were in a good place in their relationship.

"Why not?" I ask, out of genuine confusion.

"I just- I couldn't" he finally manages to say, exasperated. "I couldn't say it back" he repeats, beating himself up as he speaks.

"Do you- do you not love her?" I ask him seriously. Was that the issue here? Or was it something deeper?

"I- I mean-," he stumbles on his words again. He seems frustrated, and I'm not sure why. I try to think back on the last relationship he had, and how that ended. It wasn't great; the fans and the media drove a wedge between them. It took him awhile to get over; there were some points I didn't think he would get over it. But he did with Aubrey, and I thought things could be different. "I don't know"

"I know you're not going to like me asking this- but,"

"She didn't like I couldn't say it back. I didn't like how she didn't understand why I couldn't say it yet, so we fought" he ignores my question completely.

"Did you want to say it?" At this point I'm just asking stupid questions. But sometimes you just needed to hear yourself talk it out to help with a decision.

"I think I did? I don't know!" He expresses this again. "I froze up. I just don't want to fall in love again and have it ripped from me like before" he refers to his previous relationship. He's clearly flustered, and it's obvious he hasn't told Aubrey any of this.

"Does Aubrey know about Kristine?" I ask, and Mo shakes his head no. So, that was the issue, then. If Aubrey had known about what went down, she probably would have been a little more understanding of where Morgan was coming from. But on the other hand...

"No, she doesn't" he affirms.

"You love her" I tell him. I don't ask, I tell. Because he does love her. But he's scared. As anyone would be in a relationship. "And I know you do. You know you do. I get being scared, but you can't live your life in fear" I say, and he nods in understanding.

"Think she'll listen to me?" He asks and I scoff. Of course, she will.

"Of course she will" I scoff, and he smiles.

"Thanks, man." He thanks me, and I brush it off as nothing. Anything for a friend. "I'm going to see if she wants to talk after work" he says, pulling out his phone to send her a text.

"Good luck, dude" I say, finally opening up the door towards the parking lot.

"Later, man" he says, heading back into the arena, for what reason I'm not sure.

I feel happy I'm able to help Morgan. I knew they were good together, but I also knew of his tough past. Being the centre of the hockey universe certainly had its perks, but it also had its drawbacks. Having the media constantly trying to dictate your personal life wasn't easy; and having people who didn't know you think they had a hand in what you did with your life was even harder. Don't get it twisted, I was forever grateful to play for a city with such amazing fans. Sometimes, however, it did get to be a lot.

I spend the afternoon at home, relaxing and watching some movies, though I'm not really paying attention. It's more for background noise as I mindlessly mess around on my phone. I'm lost in an intense game of solitaire when I hear a knock at the door. It startled me a little; I'm not expecting anyone.

When I open the door I'm surprised at who I see.

"Hey" she says, her eyes a little red; had she been crying? "Can we talk?" I simply nod my head, and allow her to enter the condo, not sure what she wanted to talk about.

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