Chapter Fifteen

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Freddie's Point of View

I watch Addie walk away from me, towards Jessica. I feel bad that she's in this situation. Should I have even told her? Should I have just waited for Auston to tell her himself? I felt like I was in an impossible position; regardless of what I did, it wasn't going to make their talk any easier.

"Hey dude, what's up?" Jason comes up to me with a grin.

"Hey dude" I say, tearing my eyes away from Addie and the group of girls. I don't need anyone thinking I have a thing for Auston's 'girl'. "Having fun?" I ask, and he simply shrugs.

"Meh, you know how these things are" he says, as he waits for the bartender to grab his drink. That was the downside of being so close to the bar; the conversations with basically everyone who passed. Not that I minded talking to him; it took my mind off the scene that was unfolding in front of me.

"Don't I ever" I mumble, trying so hard not to look back in their direction.

"Almost over though, hang in there" he says, patting my shoulder and walking away. Immediately as soon as he's out of my line of sight, I look right back at Addie, Aubrey, Liv and Jessica... to notice Addie and Jessica are walking right towards me.

"Hey Freddie" Addie says, waving at me awkwardly. "I wanted you to meet someone" she adds, giving me a strange look. I take it as 'just got with it, I have no choice in what I'm doing'. I wish I could know what she was thinking; or if she knew why Jessica was here.

"Oh?" I ask, looking at little interested. Of course I want to know why the hell jessica is being introduced to me. And of course, I doubt she remembers me from the time I caught her and Auston.

"This is Jessica..." she says, looking really anxious. It looks like she's at a loss for what else to say. "Jessica, this is..."

"Freddie, yes I know" she interrupts her with a smile. Addie looks at me, an apologetic look in her eyes. I can tell she feels bad for bringing her over here. "Say, didn't you say you were going to grab Aubrey some water?" Jessica then asks her, sending us both for a loop. What the hell?

"Yep- I was" Addie says, almost robotically. "I'll talk to you later" she says, directing her attention to me. She looks like she's about to say something, but at the last minute decides not to, before turning to the bar to grab Aubrey her water, presumably, leaving me in one hell of a weird situation.


"So, listen. I need something from you" her smile is nice, but her tone is vicious. I look at her, confused. She's looking up at me, a smirk on her face, as she touches my arm ever so slightly. Was she flirting with me?

"Uh- what can I do for you?" I ask, frozen in fear. What was happening? I only prayed Addie wasn't watching the scene unfold; I knew it would cause her as much anger and confusion as it was causing me.

"Me. You can do me" she says slyly.

"I'm sorry- what now?" I ask, disgusted and taken aback. I take my arm away from her, eyeing her with confusion. "What the hell do you want?" I ask, now becoming frustrated.

"Addison- you're friends with her yeah?" She asks, and I nod; not that it's any of her business. "She's in the way of me and my boyfriend" if I had a drink I lost definitely would have spit it out all over her.

"Your boyfriend?" I ask. Auston had never once announced her as his girlfriend. Besides, wouldn't it defeat the purpose of having Addie if he did indeed have a steady girlfriend?

"Yeah, I'm seeing Auston- you're friends with him too, right?" She asks and I nod again. "And he's seeing her on the side"

"Auston... is seeing Addie... on the side?" I ask her for clarification. Hell no he wasn't. He wasn't even really seeing Addie; but I couldn't just say that.

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