Chapter Eleven

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It's the leafs first long road trip of the season and for that, I'm grateful. After the home opener, the had a few days off before heading on the road for over a week. First they were stopping in Ottawa, then off to Montreal, Buffalo, finally ended off the road trip in New York. I was grateful I had a week before I had to deal with either Auston or Freddie, as terrible as it sounded. It was easier without them around, though when it came to my feelings I have gotten no where fast.

I couldn't tell anyone how I was feeling. Everyone thought Auston and I were a solid couple; nobody knew the truth, nobody except Freddie. I couldn't exactly talk to him about my feelings for him either though, could I? I sighed; not having Aubrey to talk to was hard on me.

I sat alone at my favourite cafe. It was a local small business, and especially during these hard times I was determined to support local. I came here to think sometimes, and enjoy a nice tea. I sat outside, as we had to do. I watched the people walk by, wondering what was going through their minds. It was a curious thing, people watching. I often liked to make up back stories for people; something I enjoyed doing with Auston and Freddie too.

Everything I thought of led me back to one of them. I couldn't seem to get them off my mind.


I look up when I hear my name. I immediately recognize the girl; it was Liv, William nylander's girlfriend I had met at Auston's the other night. She seemed sweet, and the pair were so obviously in love.

"Liv- hey!" I greet her with a smile. "Nice to see you" I say, unsure if I should invite her to sit with me. She looks to be walking into the coffee shop, but I wasn't sure if she was planning on getting a to go order. "If you're not in a rush- come sit!" I invite her, hoping I'm not being too forward.

"For sure! See you in a sec" she looks surprised but happy, and I smile. The wonderful I people I met because of Auston I will always be thankful for; but would they feel the same if they found out? "Short line" she says as she sits down.

"Wow yeah, that was quick!" I say, a little surprised. "What brings you here?" I ask, as she puts the lid back on her coffee and giving it a stir.

"I found this place a few weeks ago- Willie took me here" she smiles fondly at the memory. "I've never seen you here, though!"

"I try and come here as much as I can" I tell her. "It's a nice spot. I didn't realize Willie actually took my recommendation and came here" I then added with a snicker.

"He listens sometimes, you know" Liv adds, chuckling to herself. "So hey, I wanted to ask you something..." she trails off, and I'm intrigued.

"Sure" I say, when she doesn't continue right away.

"I heard something the other night- I'm sure I wasn't meant to hear it" she begins, and I can already sense what this is about. She knows, doesn't she? She knows about Auston and I. "You and Freddie- were talking on the balcony"

"What did you hear?" I ask, hanging my head, ashamed. Dammit.

"That you and Auston- well, that you're not actually dating" she whispers, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention. There weren't many people around so we were fine in that regard, but a new concern dawned on me. If she knew, did that mean Will knew? And if he knew- how long would it be before the whole team found out? "Don't worry, I didn't tell Will" she adds in a rushed tone when she says the terrified look on my face.

"I didn't want to deceive anybody" I say, feeling a little emotional. "I didn't want anyone to be hurt- it was just supposed to-"

"You don't have to explain" she urges me, and I let out the breath I don't realize I'm holding. "I don't think any different of you, just so you know"

"You don't?" I ask, and she nods, taking a small sip of her still hot beverage.

"No. You guys made an arrangement, it's nobody's business what goes on behind closed doors" she tells me, and I can't help but feel a huge sense of relief. Not only Freddie, but Liv now know, and they both are extremely supportive; something I definitely didn't anticipate. "But, I also heard what Freddie said" fuck.

"Fuck" I mumble, closing my eyes. "Quite the mess I got myself into; eh?" I try and make light of the situation that was ruining any chances of sleep I had each night.

"I really don't envy you" Liv tells me, and I can tell she's being genuine. "But I have to ask- do you have feelings? For either one of them?" That's the question that I'd been dreading.

"I don't know" I answer truthfully. "Is that weird? Is it weird that I don't know?" I ask her, feeling slightly stupid. If I truly had feelings for someone, I would know, right? I wouldn't have all these conflicting thoughts?

"No! No, it's not weird" she assures me, leaning closer. "If I may, I think Auston has feelings for you too" she tells me, but what she says only makes my heart beat faster.

"You do?" I ask, my eyes wide. "But- he's seeing that other girl" it feels wrong as the words leave my mouth. "He can't like me and be seeing her" I try to reason.

"Men are weird" she shrugs. "But just based on how I see him with you, and I mean I know we've only just met- but he seems genuinely into you. That's why I was so surprised when I overheard you telling Freddie it wasn't real" she keeps her voice to a low whisper anytime she talks about my relationship with Auston; and for that I'm grateful.

"Shouldn't I have some sort of clue how I feel?" I ask her, feeling a little worked up. "Shouldn't I feel jealous Auston has been seeing someone else? Shouldn't I have said something?"

"Why haven't you?" She asks, surprised by my revelation.

"It's not fair to Freddie" I tell her. "I don't want to cause anything between them" and it's the truth. He was just doing me a favour by telling me; hell, he wanted to tell me when he thought we were real. He didn't want to see me hurt, and I didn't want to see him hurt, either.

"That says something, I think" she tells me, and I look at her, confused.

"I mean you obviously care for him" she points out, and I really don't see how it helps my case any.

"Of course I do, we're friends" I reason, and a silence overcomes us. I can tell she's not sure what to say just as much as I'm not sure either.

"You'll figure it out?" It comes out more of a question than a statement, and I ponder on it for a moment. Would I figure it out?

"Do you think people will be mad when they find out?" I ask her, the question that really plagued my mind. Of course the main person I was referring to was Aubrey; and I think she caught that. "I want to tell her, I do! But I don't think I should" I frown.

"No, I agree. But I don't think she'll be mad" but I can tell by the look on her face she's not convinced of what she said either. I sigh; This wasn't getting any easier.

Thank you guys for reading! I'm curious what your thoughts are- are you team Auston, or team Freddie!?

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