Chapter Six

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Opening night. I never felt such a sensation flow through me. The crowd was electric. The players were amped and ready. It was time to kick off a new season, and this year, the leafs were going all out. This year, of all years especially, they had something to prove.

Auston was very tense in the days leading up to this game. He was very certain about one thing and one thing only; winning was the only option. He wasn't going to expect anything less. I had to say I had a great admiration for him for his dedication; to the dedication of all of the leafs. I had a feeling this season was going to be different.

I was sitting with Auston's family, and Aubrey. Last minute she had said she was going to come, and of course Auston's sister, Alex was more than excited to offer her a seat. They sat side by side, chatting about something as we waited for the game to start. I smiled, feeling like I had formed a new friendship. I did feel a little strange about the offer at first, but Auston had assured me after I did not cross a line; he was ecstatic I was able to make his sister's day.

"Are you nervous at all when you see him play?" I asked Ema, awaiting puck drop. She was wearing her son's jersey (help me I'm melting), which was hella cute, and she wore a fairly unreadable expression.

"Every single game" she replied, being 100% honest. I had to admit, I was feeling slightly nervous upon watching him skate out to centre ice for the opening face off. "But I know it's what he loves, so it helps ease my nerves a little bit" she smiled warmly. "It's so nice to watch the game with you" she added. Before I had the chance to say anything, the luck dropped, the crowd cheered, and the Mapleleafs were off to start their 2022 season.

The first period wasn't anything overly exciting. Shots on goal were all even at ten a piece. The Leafs had a slight edge over the Habs, having better scoring chances, but overall had nothing to show for their efforts. Freddie seemed to be having a good game so far; I had found out from both him and Auston he struggled a little bit at the beginning of each season. He wasn't sure why; Auston chalked it up to nerves. The fact was, Freddie had saved them in numerous occasions, and had won them multiple games with his steady play; the rest of the team owed it to him to be better.

The whole period I peeked over and could see Aubrey and Alex chatting after every whistle. Auston's dad, Brian would speak with Auston's other sister, Breyana. For the most part Ema remained silent, and so did I. It wasn't an awkward silence, however, it was comfortable.


"Great game, Aus!" I called, as he made his way over to us. The Leafs had won the home and season opener by a score of 3-1; Auston netting 2 of the 3 goals, with Jake Muzzin potting the empty netter. It was a great effort all around; a very exciting game to watch for both leafs and habs fans alike.

"Thanks!" He was all smiles coming off his post game high. He gave his mother and father a sweaty hug, as they both expressed how proud of their son they were. Remembering where we were, he slung his arm around me, pressing a kiss to my temple. I closed my eyes at his touch, smiling and wrapping my arm around his waist.

I noted many other players were around with some family; there were some restrictions on how many people could be down here, after all. I did note, however that Freddie stood near the entrance to the dressing room, seemingly looking a little down. Frowning, I loosened myself from Auston's grip before making my way towards him. He was so busy with his family he didn't really notice me slipping away.

"Hey, great game from November Freddie" I approached him with a grin. His demeanour changed when I approached him, but he looked at me, a shy expression on his face.

"Thanks, I felt pretty good out there" he must have thought I was interviewing him, so I played along.

"What do you think you have to do to take the momentum into the next game?" I inquired, and he looked at me, a puzzled expression on his face.

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