Chapter 15 Watch the Flank

Start from the beginning

Grif: At least I can be glad Simmons isn't here.

The monitor looked at Sarge.

Epsilon: Wait, I thought he was Simmons.

Caboose: He's Sarge. Sa-a-arrrge-e.

Epsilon: I'm confused, not deaf, you idiot. And who's the yellow one?

Kaikaina: I'm Kaikaina.

Epsilon: No, not you! The other yellow one.

Grif: *sighs* I'm orange!

Epsilon: Yeah? Then how'd you know who I was talking about?

South: I find it hard to believe that a super smart AI can't tell the difference between orange and yellow.

Tucker: Yeah, and bow come he remembers us, but not who we are?

Grif: Why does everyone think I'm yellow?! Seriously! Didn't anybody have a box of crayons when they were a kid?!

Caboose: Oh, it will come back to him. See, I've been telling him stories. . . about all of us. . .

Tucker: . . . .

Caboose: Well, most of us. . .

Sarge: Is that what you've been tryin' to do all this time? Rebuild your buddy?

Caboose: Yes.

Kaikaina: Which almost got us killed. . . like six times.

Caboose: Yes. . . No. . . Maybe. Which one makes you less mad?

Tucker: So the only stuff he knows about us is what you told him?

Ruby: Oh boy. . .

Tucker: That's scary on a lot of levels dude.

Epsilon: Why?

Tucker: Hohoh, why? Okay, quick quiz, who am I?

Epsilon: You're Captain Flowers, right? You're dead.

South: Wait what?

Epsilon: I've been meaning to ask you about that part. Is he like a zombie?

Tucker: Uh-huh, and who is he? *points at Grif*

Epsilon: He's Griff, which is spelled with two 'f's.

Kaikaina: Ha!

Grif: God dammit! Okay, now that's another thing!

Epsilon: Caboose was very specific about the second f.

Tucker: Yeah, what about the Red guy?

Epsilon: Well, if he's not Simmons, then I guess he's Sarge. . . that would make him the gruff and regimented leader of the Red team.

Sarge: That actually seems pretty-

Tucker: Just give him one more second.

Epsilon: Which would make him also the captain of their pirate ship.

Tucker: There it is, what about her? *points at Sister*

Epsilon: That's Yellow Church, he came from from the spaceship.

Everyone: . . . . .

Tucker: Moving on, what about the purple and green one?

Epsilon: That's South, which makes her first name is Down.

South: *sighs*

Ruby: What about me?

Epsilon: You're Ruby. . . which makes you the nice lady on the Red team and their princess.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: RecreationWhere stories live. Discover now