Chapter Twenty Four

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I woke up on the ground and Ellie next to me. I guess I fell asleep when I was crying, I moved Ellie to the bed. I open the door and Kol fell to the ground
He groaned "sorry didn't know you were there" he slept by the door the whole night
"I couldn't sleep without you or Ellie so I slept by the door" he explained
I nodded and walked passed him to his room so I could get clothes
"Avaree I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that yesterday" he apologized
I just nodded, I really didn't want to talk to him
I grabbed my clothes and walked out of his room with him still following me
I just ignored him and showered and got ready for the day

Me and ale were walking around looking at the all the stores they have
"Why are you with Kol still Ava" ale asked
I frowned "Kols a dick and doesn't like anyone but himself Ava" I was shocked what ale was saying
"Kol may be a dick but he doesn't mean to ale he can't change over night, his been like that for a 1000 years you have to understand that"
He scoffed "it still doesn't give him a right to treat you badly"
I was going to say something back but got interrupted by someone bumping into me
"Sorry" I looked at him and he smirked
"My fault princess I should look where I'm going" he grinned
"Come on Ava Elijah is expecting us" I nodded and smiled at him and tried to past him but he grabbed my arm
"I like pretty girls" he looked me up and down, he grabbed me harder pulling me into an alley
"Let her go" ale tried to pull his hand off of me but the man pulled out a gun
I flung the gun away with magic and broke his arm, he screamed in pain backing away from me. We ran as soon as I was free and made it back to the compound
"Woah why you guys running" Rebekah asked stopping us
We both were trying to caught our breath
"Someone just pulled a gun out on us and pulled me to an alley" I stuttered
Kol appeared out of no where and started checking my body probably looking for any injuries
"Hayley was taking by the witches come on" Elijah interrupt us he had blood on him and has a bite mark on his neck

We arrived at an old church and saw klaus holding Hayley in his arms I turned around once I notice she was died
"No no no" Elijah whispered walking up to them
He kneeled down in front of them and touched her cheek and started crying
"She's gone" klaus said with tears in his eyes "you've been biting" klaus bites into his wrist and gives it to Elijah
"Let's take you outside okay" kol whispered to me
Probably making sure I don't see anymore
Elijah and klaus were talking then you heard Elijah yell and then they walked out
"Let go" we got into the car and drove

We were walking around the cemetery looking for them because klaus said that they should be here
"They fabricator some kind of illusion" Elijah said
Klaus jumped on a tombstone "that's one word for it"
We've been walking for hours the sun was starting to come up, everyone was getting frustrated.
Klaus and Elijah started arguing
"No this was our family's hope and now she's gone" Elijah yelled "do you understand me?" He started walking to klaus "I.. let this person in. I let her in. I don't let people in. You knew this and you've taking her from me. I needed her, and you've broken me."Elijah walked and sat down I walked over to him and he hugged me
Klaus came over to us "you can tell your niece how much you cared for her mother when we save her" Elijah looked up at klaus
We walking into a tombstone for like the millionth time
"we pasted this like twice already" Elijah spoke"we're running out of time" he kick something
"Then we move faster" klaus said
"Or smarter" Hayley walked in
"Hayley" Elijah walked up to her and grabbed her

We were walking behind Hayley because she feel we're the baby's at
We turned the corner and saw them about to stab her
"NO" Hayley yelled and Elijah picked up a rock hitting the knife out of her hand
They stood together making us all get throw back
"You fools.. to come against us in our place of power in our strongest hour you don't face us three you face us all" the witch with black hair girl said
"I've always fancied witches but that's my niece" kol growled
We slip up all trying to get to the baby but witches keep popping up.
Klaus throw a piece of a gate killing the young blonde witch
The black hair witch ran and picked up the knife klaus, Elijah and Kol tried to run up but she put fire around her
"NO" Hayley yelled
"AVAREE" klaus yelled at me
I turned to the baby and I saw the witch lifting up the knife about to stab her but I lifted my hand up, blood started coming out of her mouth and she dropped; I looked at my hand and saw I just ripped out her heart and I dropped it
Hayley ran to the baby grabbing her "thank you" she whispered to me
Kol ran over to me grabbing my face " are you okay" I nodded and hugged him

I was waiting for kol to come back in the room, klaus wanted to talk to the family but I was in the shower so kol said he'll tell me what klaus wants
He walked in "klaus is sending the baby away with Rebekah"
I frowned "why"
"Everyone will be after the baby if she stays but if she leave everyone will think she dead and won't try to kill her" he explained and I nodded
It made since; if everyone thinks she dead then she's not in danger
I walked out and went to klaus room and saw the baby
"Can I hold her before she goes" I asked
Hayley nodded and handed me the baby
I smiled at her "what's her name" I looked at them
"Hope" klaus said looking at them
"Hey baby hope" I kissed her head handing Hayley Hope "I've got to go say bye to Rebekah" I told them and made my way to bekah room
I knocked and she answered the door
"Your leaving me this time"I joked and she laughed
She pulled me in a hug "I'll only be gone until you guys deal with all the enemies"
I rolled my eyes "well that's going to be awhile"
"Rebekah hurry" we heard klaus yell
I hugged her one last time and she left

I walked into ales room to check on him and he was playing his game. I sat on his bed
"I want to be a vampire" ale blurted out
I turned to him "what" I asked
"I want to be a vampire" he repeated
"Why" I questioned, where was this coming from
"Today I learned I can't protect you or Ellie or myself because I'm a plain human." He explained "everyone around us is a witch or a vampire not a human"
"But ale-"he cut me off
"I just want to be a good brother and protect you" he turned to me
"But you don't have to be a vampire Alejandro your already a good brother" I told him
He just nodded "I wasn't think Ava sorry" he basically pushed me out of his room and shut the door
I walked back to our room and saw Ellie sleeping on the bed and Kol was in the bathroom
"Kol"I called for him
"Yes darling" he walked over to me
I sighed "ale just told me he wants to be a vampire so he'll be able to protect me and Ellie"
He was just as shocked as me
"Did you tell him no" he asked
"Of course I did but I don't think that's enough for him so... I was thinking can you talk to him"

Kols POV
"Of course I did but I don't think that's enough for him so.. I was thinking can you talk to him" she asked
I nodded; it the least I could do for her I know why she doesn't want him to be a vampire, she wants him to grow old and have kids, get married have a normal life.
I knocked on ales door and he opened it "can I help you" he asked
"Can we talk" he just open the door and I sat on his bed "Ava told me what you said" he looked at me
"Why doesn't she want me to be a vampire" he asked
"She wants you to be able to grow old have kids of your own and be able to get married and die" I explained
He scoffed "none of that matters to me all that matters is making sure Ellie safe" he stood up "and I can't do that when I'm human"
"I can protect them. I am almost the most dangerous species out there" I told him
"But what if you leave them" he looked me up and down
I stood up "I would never leave Ava, I may not treat her good right now but I'm trying I've never cared about someone other then myself" I bit my wrist and put it in his mouth "you want to be a vampire" I yelled "are you ready to fight against the hunger, the urge to kill, and ready to watch the ones you love grow old and die" I grabbed his face "you won't be the same around Ellie or Avaree you'll want to drink them dry" I told him
He shook his head "I can't...I don't want to" he said and I nodded

Avaree POV
Kol walked back into our room and smiled at me, I was laying down with Ellie watching tv
"So how did it go" I asked, he laid next to me and started hugging me
"I think it went well" He kissed my neck
I was about to say something but my phone rang. I looked and it was Damon
"Hey Damon what's up" I answered
"I need your help.. Stefan turned his humanity off"

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