Chapter Twenty One

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Kols POV
Me and Ellie were watching Frozen it's her favorite movie
"Dada Ola" she pointed at the talking snowman
We heard a knock, who could be here this time. I walked to get it since Rebekah was in her room.
"What" I saw a girl turned around then she turn to me and my heart dropped
"Hi Kol" my dead girlfriend was standing in front of me how
"Avaree" was the only thing I could say
"It's me Kol in the flesh" she chuckled and she started tearing up
I pulled her into a hug and squeezed her and I started crying too
"Omg Avaree" I kissed her "I missed you" I pulled her into a hug again
"I missed you too kol" I brought her inside and we made our way to Ellie
"Ell" I called and she came running
"Momma"she ran to Ava
She picked her up and started kissing Ellie
"Hi baby I missed you" she looked at Ellie "you got so big"

Avaree POV
I can't believe Ellie still remembers me. I missed so much Ellie is so much bigger now
"Kol who are you talking to" I heard from the stairs
Then Rebekah comes walking down. She froze when she saw me
"Avaree" she ran to me hugging me tight making it harder to breath "your here"
I laughed "yea I'm here bekah" I looked at kol and he was watching us "bekah your going to kill me" she finally released and laughed
"Sorry it's just... I missed you" I hugged her again

I was laying on the couch with Ellie in my arms since she was sleeping
"Want me to grab her" kol asked coming into the living room
"No it's fine" I didn't want to let her go just yet
"You want to go lay down" I was going to sleep on the couch since I didn't know if kol wanted me to lay with him or not
"I am silly" I joked and he walked to me crouching in front of me
"I mean want to come lay down with ME" he rephrased it
I nodded and he grabbed Ellie making sure not to wake her
I was in the middle with Kol and Ellie on each side
"I'm glad your back darling" oh how I missed him calling me that
"Me too" and with that we fell asleep

I was the first one up and I was laying there taking in this moment.
Ellie started moving around and popped her head up
"Morning baby" I kissed her head "let get ready to see uncle Damon and Stefan"
She smiled "unc stef" she stuttered
"Your leaving already"kol said pulling me closer to him
"I want to see them I miss them" I turned to him
He nodded and got up "then let's go"

We pulled up to the Salvatores house and waiting from them to open the door
"Good morning" Stefan said opening the door
We all came in but I didn't see Damon
"Where's Damon" I asked turning to Stefan
"In his room" I nodded
Me and Ellie walked to his room and saw him still sleeping. Usually his up early, I put Ellie on his bed and she laid by him
""she mumbled and Damon opened his eyes
"Usually there older and would know how to talk" he joked and sat up "but there not as cute and adorable as you" he touched her nose and she giggled
"So Damon you said your killing people" he groaned
"I was joking" I hummed in response
"Get ready will be in the living room" I grabbed Ellie and left his room

I was talking to Stefan waiting for Damon
"So stef what have you been doing since I been gone" I asked
He sighed " me, klaus and Elijah think it would be a good idea if ale learned how to fight just incase if someone tried to attack him he can protect himself." I nodded "and then keeping Elena out of trouble" I rolled my eyes " making sure Damon doesn't kill anyone or get himself killed"
"Have you talk to ale lately" I asked
"I haven't really talked to him since they left" he explained
"I still can't believe klaus got a girl pregnant" I was shocked because I thought they weren't aloud to get someone pregnant
"We'll believe it there will be a little Mikaelson running around over there" Damon joined the conversation
"So what have you been up to" I questioned wanted to know everything that I missed
"Nothing much the same old stuff bad people here and there" Damon answered " me being the bad guy, well Stefan is the hero" he smiled
I rolled my eyes, Damon always is the bad guy in there situations because he believes that's his best suit
Stefan got a phone call
"I'm coming" he hung up "Caroline needs me" he got up and left
"I've been watching you Damon from the other side" I stated "you know my death wasn't anyone's fault especially not yours" he nodded
Well I was watching Damon threw out the months he blamed himself because he believed he could of saved me if he just drove faster that day or notice Kai was a Malachai earlier
"I never got to apologize for having kol kill Alejandro" he put his head down "I just wanted you guys to be safe and I thought the safest thing was for him out of your life" he explained
"Damon it's okay you were trying to do something good in your own way" I put my hand on his knee "Damon I have to tell you something" I broke the silence
He looked at me "if Alejandro doesn't want to move back here I'm going to move out there"
He stood up "WHAT" he turned around "No"
I looked down I couldn't look at him anymore
"Damon it's wasn't a question" he groaned
"I just got you back and now your leaving me again" he yelled "I told you I was broken when you left and you still want to leave"
"Damon Alejandro needs me-" he cut me off
"You don't think I need you" he turned to me "I need you to be there when I mess up again.. I need you to give me advice when I don't know what to do.. I need you when I have no one to talk to.. I need you Avaree your my best friend and if you leave again I won't know what to do"
I nodded
"I won't leave Damon" I hugged him "I love you Damon"
We were just there hugging each other in silence
"Cry" Ellie walked up to us "okty" she rubbed our legs comforting us
We laughed
"I have to talk to ale" he nodded

I was nervous to call Alejandro since I haven't talk to him in over a year in a half
I was pacing back and forth in the living room
"Love it's fine he'll want to hear your back from the dead" kol said
He was sitting on the couch just watching me
"I just don't know what to say" he got up and kissed my head
"It will come to you when you call him" he left the room leaving me by myself
I pressed ales contact and it began to ring
"Whoever this is it's not funny" ale answered the phone
"I wasn't trying to be funny ale" I forced
"What" his voice cracked
"I know I was gone for almost 2 years but you really forgot your own sister voice" I was crying now
"Avaree?...How?...Are you actually back?" He questioned
"Yes Alejandro I'm back for good this time"
"Ava I miss you..."he cried
"Alejandro are you okay" I heard someone ask
"It's Avaree she's back" he told them
"Miss Avaree" I knew it was Elijah he is the only one that calls me that
"I'm glad to hear you haven't change Elijah" I chuckled
"If this really Ava tell me something only she would know" klaus joined the conversation
I was thinking then it hit me
"Once upon time there was this big bad-" he interrupted before I could say more
"Okay it's you" he said fast "We're coming" and with that he hung up the phone
I took a deep breath trying to relax my breathing. I walked to Kols room and saw him sleeping with Ellie, I laid down next to them
I guess he'll just be surprised when they show up

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