Chapter One

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Its been two months since Victoria left us. I never thought our parents and older sister would walk out of our life. I just don't understand why she would leave us without having guilt like for bloody sakes she has a daughter and expects me to watch her like I'm 17 and I'm still making mistakes.

I finally get off of work and made my way home. I walked through the door and see ale and Ellie laying on the couch. His been a really big help since Vic left and I'm very proud it's like he matured overnight because a couple months ago he didn't even want to be in the same room as her because he claims she cry's to much.
"So what's for dinner sis" he says putting Ellie in her crib
I walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge I really didn't want to cook tonight I just want to eat and sleep.
"How about we go to the grill tonight because I don't feel like cooking" I walked into the living room
"Yea I'm up for that. We haven't been out of the house in forever." He said sitting next to me "but please change first you look like a mess." He joked
I just looked at him and pretending to be hurt. I got up and went into my room and changed then got Ellie stuff together and we left to the grill

"We haven't had a night like this is forever because your always working " Ale said looking around avoiding eye contact
"I know ale but if we want food and a roof over our head I have to keep working" I agree with him but I have no other choice
I missed hanging out with my younger brother we would always come to the grill after school but now we can't I feel like our life is just school work and Ellie and I hate that because that's not how it's supposed to be.

As we were talking I saw Bonnie and Damon walk in it looked like they were in a rush and looking for someone their eyes landed on me and they made there way over here
"Hey Ava can we talk to you for a second please" Bonnie said looking at ale then back at me
"Yea sure. Ale I'll be right back watch Ellie for me please" I get up confused wondering why they need to talk to me. I walk little further from the table to caught up with Bonnie and Damon
"So we have this huge favorite we really need your help with." Bonnie asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes
"And what's that?" I was confused and concerned
"Okay so you know we're trying to get rid of Klaus by tonight and we have everything in place but we were thinking with a little more magic the plan will one hundred percent work." She said really fast but I still managed to caught it
I didn't know what to say they know i don't want to get in the middle of it just incase something happens
"Come on Ava we need your help and you won't have to deal with this anymore I promise" Damon begged looking at me with the same eyes as Bonnie
I just keep looking at them not knowing to agree to help or disagree like their my friends so should I help
"I don't know Bonnie" I finally said looking towards ale and Ellie
"Klaus will be at his weakest we won't have to use that much magic if we work together and nothing will go wrong Ava." She spoke again to get me to agree
"But what ." I was cut off by Damon
"If anything goes wrong Ava I'll make sure your the first one out okay." He stated not breaking eye contact with me
"Fine but if anything goes wrong I'm leaving I don't want anything to do with it." I caved in I knew I'll probably regret it later but these are my friends asking for help
"Yes thank you Ava we have to leave now and tell you the plan." she said taking my hand and pulling me towards the door
"Wait I have to take Alejandro and Ellie home first and make sure their safe before anything. Where do you want me to meet you guys at?" I pulled my hand away and started to slowly walked towards our table
Bonnie was about to say where but Damon cut her off. He tends to do that a lot
"I'll pick you up in an hour be ready okay." He said walking out with Bonnie
I walking back to ale and Ellie
"We have to go ale I'll explain on the car ride"I gathering all our stuff and grabbed Ellie
The whole car ride back home i explained what Damon and Bonnie wanted. He didn't want me help them he stated they can do it there self. But I told him I can't just say no now. We final make it home after a long argument car ride. I put Ellie in her room making sure the door was cracked so we'll be able to hear her and made my way to the living room. I was lost in thought still debating if it was the right choice once ale interrupted my thoughts
"Look Ava I think this is a bad idea what if something goes wrong." He came and sat next to me
"Nothing will but if anything we're to happen Damon said he'll get me out ale now please don't worry about me." I stated turning to him
"I just don't want to lose you Ava. I only have you and Ellie left." he hugged me . I hugged back and I didn't want to let go but I heard Damon honk
"I have to go I'll be home as soon as it's over you know the rules bye I love you ale watch Ellie." I said walking out the door
I hop into Damon's car not daring to look back at the house because I'll end up changing my mind
"You up for this kiddo" He said driving away
"nope but I'm doing it anyways." I said looking at Damon
"Ava if anything goes wrong your my first priority to get out of there okay ." he said looking at you I just nodded because I knew he meant it
Damon and Stefan are like brother to me and Ale they look after us and make sure we're always safe I love them for that and I'm glad I met them
"let's hope everything work outs." I looked away and stared out the window
We pull up to the old witch house and the first people I see are Jeremy, Alaric, and Elijah. They told me the whole plan. All we had to do was weaken Klaus. But he has to finish the ritual first then Elijah will finish the rest. It sounded weird that Elijah was willingly going to kill his brother. I would never be able to do that. I walked outside wanting this night to hurry up and end
"So why are you helping us Avaree." Elijah said walking up to you "last time we spoke you wanted nothing to do with the supernatural." He finished
I met Elijah a couple of times we became friends with the short amount of time we had
"I know what I said but Bonnie said she needed my help so here I am." I turned to face him
"Well it's pleasure seeing you again i enjoy your company. We must caught up after this is all over" he said turning away from me
"Yea we should." I said walking away
It's been a couple hours and we started walking towards the ritual. I see Klaus drinking Elena blood and Stefan on the ground
"Come on Ava its time." Bonnie said grabbing my hand
We started walking towards Klaus chanting the spell over and over again louder each time. Klaus was on the ground screaming in pain and Elijah walked up to Klaus
"Elijah" Klaus said leaning on a rock
"Hello brother" Elijah was staring down at his klaus
Stefan walks up to us and next thing you know Elijah reaches his hand in Klaus chest
"Hey Ava go wait for me by the car okay." Stefan walked in front of me blocking Elijah and Klaus
I didn't respond I just nodded my head I knew Stefan didn't want me to see the rest. As i started walking away i heard Stefan worn Elijah not to listen to Klaus so i turned around trying to see what was going on
"Do it and I'll take you both out." I heard Bonnie say so I decided to started to walk back to them
"You'll die." Elijah turned to look at her
"Not if I help." the words just fell out of my mouth. I didn't mean to say that.
But once I said that Elijah looked nervous so he grabbed Klaus and they jumped over the wall
"No" we screamed

We all left after that Stefan took me home making sure i got their safe. I walked in and the house was dark and quiet so I made my way up stairs to Ellie's room to make sure she was asleep then walked over to ale's room and right as I was about to close the door he spoke
"So how did it go? everything fine." He sat up looking at you
"Elijah helped Klaus get away and now Klaus is way stronger then before so I don't know what's going to happen." I sat next to him being completely honest on what happened tonight
"Everything is going to be fine Ava let's not worry about it right now get some rest okay." He said
I just nodded and walked out of his room and walked into my room. I was laying there thinking if Klaus was going to come after me because I helped to try and kill him. I soon after drifted off to sleep

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