Chapter Nine

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It's been 2 months since I almost died again but everything is normal again kinda. No one hasn't tried to kill me so that's good, kol hasn't left my side since but I'm not complaining and Klaus, Elijah, Damon and Stefan have been watching us like hawks it's kinda creepy if you ask me. Rebekah ran into Katherine I guess 3 weeks ago and threatened if she came near us again she's died and I love her for that.
I woke up having a feeling eyes were on me let me guess
"You know it's not polite to stare" I laughed and sat up just who I expected
"Happy birthday darling" Kol kissed me on the cheek and gave me flowers
Oh yea the big 18 I forgot
"You forgot didn't you" he asked and I just laughed "how can you forget your turning 18 Ava" I just shrugged and made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day

I walk downstairs to see no one so I made my way to the mikaelsons and everyone was running around the house I walked over to Elijah
"What's going on" I asked confused
"Well since Rebekah birthday is in 2 days she thought why not combine birthday and throw a big party" he explained "happy birthday miss Avaree" he kissed me cheek and walked to Nik
I saw Rebekah so I walked over she was yelling at some girl "I told you this goes over there" she pointed and the girl ran in that direction
"Bekah what are you doing" I smiled at her
She looked out of breath "I'm throwing a party for us silly" then she walked away again
I made my way to Kols room since I didn't see him and there he was on the ground with Ellie. Ellie looked at me and smiled. I can't believe she's 8 months. I smiled at them
"You know your sister is throwing a party down there right" I sat down next to them and Ellie crawled to me
"Yes darling I know and it's for you" he sat next to me and put his arm around me
I don't really know what me and Kol are; he always flirts with me and sleeps in the same bed as me but we never really talked about it but tonight we are I am planning on it.

At the party
We were at the Mikaelsons party I laid Ellie down in Kols room and spell the room so no one goes in but me and kol and I made sure no sounds gets in and made sure I had a baby monitor on so I will be able to hear her. I was walking around looking for kol because I lost him when he went to go get drinks but I didn't find him all I found was a slight drunk Damon great.
"Hey baby sis" he kissed my forehead "happy birthday"
"Have you seen kol" I asked still looking for him
"Nope" he said popping the p "dance with me" he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor
"Damon I want to find kol" I yelled because you could barley hear because the music "don't scream or move"
Damon dug his teeth into this girls neck who was dancing with him no one noticed because the music was loud and it was dark lights flashing on and off . I had to get away from all this is, I walked into a room no one was in and I was about to turn the corner but I heard some growling I took a glance and I saw kol with his head in some girls neck and 3 other girls on the ground I just ran back to the party wishing I never saw that.
It was about 30 minutes later; I was with Rebekah trying to forget what kol did but I couldn't it was hard to get that image out of my head
"There's Kol" Rebekah interrupted my thought I looked and he was flirting with another girl so it was best not to go over there. Rebekah left me and I was just standing there looking at everyone having fun.
"Love why aren't you having fun" I heard for the side of me. I turned to be face with Kol
"Really don't like party's" I stated; I didn't want to be near him
" nonsense. Come on let's go dance darling" he grabbed my hands but I pulled them away
"I'm going to go get a drink I'll be right back" I smiled at him and he kissed my hand
"I'll be waiting right here" he smirked at me
After I walked away from him I snuck into his room and grabbed Ellie and snuck us out making my way home with her. I texted ale and told him I left and to be safe and stay there and Stefan will give him a ride he just said okay at least he was having fun. I just laid Ellie down and changed and laid next to her. I started crying for some reason I didn't honestly know why and it pissed me off that I was crying but soon I fell asleep.

Kols POV
I was waiting for Ava to get back but she was taking forever so I started walking around to look for her but there was no sign of her so I went to my room to see if she was with Ellie but when I got there she was gone and my heart dropped I made sure she didn't fall off the bed or anything and I keep trying to call Ava but it keep going to voicemail I was thinking the worst.
I made my way to her house and I walked through the door and into her room then I saw her sleeping with Ellie I felt 100 times better but it hurt that she lied to me and left her party. I just took off my shirt and made my way to lay next to her as I was dozing off but then I heard Ava whimper and move a little she kept doing that. I saw a tear fall from her eye then it hit me she was having a nightmare. I concentrated on Ava so I'll be able to see her dream

Ava Dream
She was running from a man and she had tears falling from her face. She was screaming for help she was terrified to stop running.
She then ran down an alley that was the only way
"STEFAN. ANYONE PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU HELP ME" she screamed the alley stopped and she was trapped
She looked back and the man was at the end of the alley and her cry's got louder once she seen him then in a blink of an eye he was in front of her and she finally sees his face and it was Kol with blood running down his mouth
"I love a good chase darling" he said and grabbing her and sinking his fangs into her neck and she screamed

Back to Kol
I was shocked and hurt that she would picture me as a hideous monster out of all the people in the world i never wanted Ava or Ellie to see me like that. I couldn't let her dream like that so I woke her up
"Ava darling your having a bad dream" I tried to sound as calm as possible
She looked at me and jumped a little and that made my heart clinch
"What are you doing here"she asked trying not to sound scared but you could tell she was
"I was looking everywhere for you but turns out your here sleeping" I chuckled trying not to scare her
She just nodded and turned around to hold Ellie and went back to sleep.
I stayed up wondering if I should ask her about it tomorrow because I can't have her picturing me like that not her.

I woke up to no one by me so I went downstairs and saw kol, ale, Rebekah and Ellie watching tv. I had a nightmare that kol was killing me and I couldn't even look at him right now.
Kol walked over to me "good morning love" and kissed my forehead, I tried not to flinched but it was hard not to.
I just walked into the kitchen and sat on a stool wanting to be alone
"What going on Ava" I heard from the door
Of course he will follow me
"Nothing" I smiled and got up to leave but he didn't let me
"I know you had a dream about me" he blurred out
"What" I was shocked how did he know
He frowned "I saw you crying and whimpering last night so I wanted to know what you were dreaming about so I got into your head and I saw you running from me" he looked hurt saying that ughh
I didn't know what do say, what was I supposed to say 'sorry' it's not my fault I dreamt about him
"Why" he looked at me, I couldn't look at him "how long have your dreams been like that"
I couldn't even make up the words I was to scared I took a deep breath "that was my first dream like that" that all I could say to him
"Okay but why" he asked again
"Last night I saw 3 girls body's drained of blood and you finishing the 4th girl." I finally let out feeling a little relief
He just nodded his head "well it's not a Mikaelsons party without blood or someone dying" he chuckled
Wait so he didn't feel any guilt or remorse for those girls
"You don't feel guilty for what you did" I was disgusted
"What do you want me to say Ava I'm a vampire that's how I live" he stated rolling his eyes
"Well why can't you just drink out of blood bags like dam-" he cut me off
"Because I'm not them Avaree I love the kill, the scare" he yelled "their life means nothing, they are humans" he finished
I was disgusted, he just kills people like it's nothing they have a family that they won't see anymore. Is that what he thought about us
"So humans means nothing to you" I choked out
He turned to me "I didn't mean-"
I cut him off "no if someone were to just kill me, ale or even Ellie it wouldn't mean anything right" I got the courage to say "that is sick kol you are a mons-"
He ran to me grabbing my neck "you will not talk to me like that" he had his vampire face out
I gulped, I thought kol was different then what others label him
Rebekah and ale ran into the kitchen and saw kol in my face
"What the bloody hell are you doing kol" Rebekah moved his hand from my next "you terrifying her brother" Kols face softly once he realizes what he was doing, I grabbed ale and went into the living room

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