Chapter Five

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"You know it's kinda boring" I turned around and I see Rebekah laying down "your bed is quite comfortable" she finished
"What time is it" I said moving Ellie so I can get up
"10:26" she got up and started looking at the picture on my dresser
"I'm going to take a shower real quick" she just nodded
I finished getting ready and went downstairs and saw ale, Damon and Rebekah in the living room

Damon's POV
I was telling Stefan all about our trip to Denver on how Ava saved Kol and then Kol took her. Stefan was right she is acting weird. She's trying to keep them safe but why?
"So what are we going to do. She's obviously friends with them if she's letting them watch Ellie " Stefan interrupted my thoughts
"Easy she's going to stay here and we'll keep her away from them" I said with no hesitation
"But-" I interrupted Stefan
"No stefan she's to nice to say no to them because she has this big heart but when she's here they'll have to go through us" I stated, Stefan didn't disagree like I thought he would he just nodded
"Well it's settled I'll go get her so we can talk" I walked out of the house and made my way to her house
I got out of my car and it felt like eyes were on me again but I ignored it and went inside. I saw Rebekah and Ale talking in the living room
"What are you doing here" I rolled my eyes then I saw Ava walking down the stairs
"Damon what are you doing" Ava said confused probably because I didn't text or call that I'm coming
"Me and Stefan want to talk to you" I said walking to her "and didn't I say stay away from them"
"No can do my brothers have something planned for us" I heard from behind me

After Rebekah said that Damon just turned to her and ran up and pushed her against the wall and started choked her. As she started choking I couldn't breath
Ale notice so he ran to Damon and grabbed his arm "Damon not here Ellie's here" as ale said that Damon dropped Rebekah and we both gasped for air. Rebekah looked at Damon and ran to him and snapped his neck. Me and ale were shocked she just did that
"Touch me again and I'll rip your heart out" she said through her teeth "sorry but we gave you our word if anyone hurts you guys they die but since his your friend he lives this once"
We all turned to the door when we heard it open and we saw Klaus, Elijah and Kol run in and looking around the house. They saw us and ran to us
"Bloody hell what happened" klaus said looking at Damon on the ground
"He choked me since I was here" Rebekah said rolling her eyes
They all just looked at me
"Why was here in the first place" Kol asked walking up to Damon
"He said him and Stefan wanted to talk to me but Rebekah said you guys have something planned so I couldn't go so he got mad" I explained
They just nodded their head and they told me that we were going to their house
"Miss Avaree why don't we have to be invited in" Elijah asked as we walked out of the house. That made everyone look at me
"What do you mean" I was confused why do they have to be invited in
"Well you see all vampires have to be invited into the home before there aloud to enter" he explained
I didn't know that. Damon and Stefan never told me they had to be invited in but they can just walk in.
"Who's name is the house under" Klaus asked, I was thinking but then it hit me this was my grandparents house before they died so the house ain't under anybody's name
"It was my grandparents house but they died so I guess the house is nobody's" I said
"I'll fix that because as long as theirs no ones name on the house every vampire can walk in" Elijah said staring the car I just nodded

All day we just hung out at the Mikaelsons house getting to know each other. Elijah got all the papers from the real state so my house is under my name now.
The Mikaelsons aren't bad people just misunderstood. Right now we're in the dining room having dinner
"So Alejandro how's school been" Elijah said looking at him
"Schools boring as always but hey I have to graduate some how" ale said with no hesitation, klaus and kol chuckled at his responses
"School can't be that bad mate" kol said still chuckling
"Well it's easy for you to say your a vampire you don't have to go" ale said taking a drink
Now it was mine and Rebekah turn to giggle kol glared at us
"I can go if I wanted to" kol stated
Kol and ale keep going back and forth and Klaus was amused by them
"How old is Ellie" Rebekah said breaking ales and Kols conversations
I turned to Ellie "she's 5 months" I turned back to Rebekah
"Who's her mother" kol questioned
Ale turned to me once he asked that "My older sisters" I said
He just nodded and looked at Ellie
"Where is she" he questioned again
I never told anyone about Victoria but my friends. I  never really liked talking about her I guess; what's their to say she left with little explanation
"She left us 3 months ago she didn't want to watch us anymore I guess" I said looking down at my food I didn't want to look at them
"Well if you ask she's a real bitch for leaving you with them all alone your only 17 you haven't even lived life yet" Rebekah said
I smiled at her that warmed my heart no one said that to me they just say "sorry".
"Enough of being sad ale pass me the salt" Klaus said making us all laugh

I woke up to someone pounding on the door I walked out of my room and ale did the same
"Who's could that be" I asked yawning
We made our way to the door and opened it and we were greeted by Kol and Rebekah
"I told you she was still sleeping" Rebekah said to Kol "so you going to invited us in" she smiled
"Please come in" I said walking to the couch and laid back down "what are you guys doing"
"Well nik and Elijah had business to attend to so we made plans for you" kol said sitting on the chair
"What must that be" I asked, lately everyone has been making plans for me
"You and Kol are going to the grill well I stay and watch Ellie and ale" Rebekah smiled at me
Why kol I barely talk to him I'm more close to Rebekah and Elijah
"Why-" Rebekah interrupted me
"You never go out without Ellie or ale you never have time to yourself and have fun so this is your day" she moved my legs and sat next to me
"Rebe-" I couldn't even finish her name
"Ava no but your going so get ready" she pushed me up
I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, It was nice she was giving me a day to have fun but I really don't want to be alone with kol.

I walked downstairs all ready to go and I saw everyone watching tv. Jeremy was here he looked at me up and down and smiled. Oh god no I see him as my brother.
"Damon wanted you to call him" Jeremy said still looking at me "he was going to come but he kinda figured you'll have company" he looked disgusted well saying that
I rolled my eyes "Well tell Damon not today because it's my day" I smiled at Jeremy and he nodded
"Ready to go darling" kol smirked at me
"Have fun Ava" Rebekah and ale both said

It's been a couple of hours and we're just sitting at the grill conversation here and there it's awkward if you ask me
"So darling you want a drink" kol asked
I've just been drinking water all night because I'm underage still can't drink at a bar and Damon usually gets the drinks
"I'm underage kol I can't drink at a bar" I stated laughing
"I know you are and technically I am too" he smirked at me
I rolled my eyes "fine I'll take just one drink" as soon as I said that he called over the bar tender
"Hey Ava what are you doing" I heard from behind me so I turning around and saw Caroline
"Oh nothing just hanging out with a friend" she looked at kol and looked disgusted. They really need to stop doing that
"Maybe we should leave" she grabbed my hand and pulled me but I grabbed my hand away
"No care I'm staying" I walked back to Kol
"Here you go darling" he gave me my drink and smirked at me

Damon's POV
We figure out Klaus was our blood line so we're going to kill Barbie Klaus and psychotic maniac Kol. dagger Elijah and Bonnie has a spell that will stop Klaus heart making him desiccate then put him in the coffin. We were talking about the plan but Stefans phone rang and he picked it up
"Stefan; Avas at the grill with Kol I tried to pull her away but she didn't listen" I heard Caroline say
I groaned and shook my head. Me and Stefan walked to the door grabbing my keys leaving everyone else confused
We walked into the grill and saw Ava and kol laughing and drinking. It kinda hurt me that she was drinking with him and not me. We walked up to them and I grabbed her arm and pulled her
"We're leaving let's go" we reached outside "wow; first you saving with them, and now dating what's next" she finally pulled her arm away
"Stop what are you doing I'm having fun in there" she rolled her eyes, I saw kol walking up to us
"Leave her alone kol" I turned to him clenching my fist hard
"Or what" he smirked at me and walked closer to Ava
I pushed him and Stefan grabbed Ava holding her back. Kol jumped up and ran up to me punching me and threw me and a table. I grabbed the white oak out of my jacket and jumped on him ready to kill him but then I dropped and held my head because it was on fire

I was trying to get out of Stefans grip but he was too strong and I was little tipsy. I saw kol jump to Damon punching him and he threw him at a table. Damon reached into his jacket and grabbed something I couldn't see it but then all of a sudden Damon jumped on kol and was about to stake him
"No" I raised both my hands at Stefan and Damon and they both went down holding their heads. Kol got up and grabbed the stake and ran to me grabbing me
"It's a white oak stake" he told me "they were going to kill me" he said looking at them
"Let's go" I said pulling him to the car

Well we were driving back home Kol was on the phone with Klaus telling him what happened
"Yes nik I'm positive it's a white oak stake" Kol looked at the stake
"I thought they gave you all of them" he yelled
"Well they have more" that's all he said and hung up
We reached the house and went inside and told Rebekah what happened
"So they have more" she asked
"I guess they found more" I said looking at her
"Well let's go over there and get them" she got up walking to the door
"Bekah we can't nik said he has a plan" Kol yelled at Rebekah
We all just sat there waiting for Klaus and Elijah to arrive

His lightsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora