Chapter 1: Strange Feelings

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At S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters Nick Fury is monitoring activity from the town of Bristol Cove Washington. Nick tells agent Phil Coulson about what's going on and tells him to bring Wanda Maximoff & the Vision to the briefing room. Agent Coulson fills both Wanda & Vision in on what's happening in Bristol Cove. Nick says "Wanda, Vision the US Navy had been doing stem cell research taken from mermaids to help paralyzed members of the military to walk again." Then he says "they have one mermaid who was involved in a incident in custody I want you both to also talk to the Admiral involved named Harrison who was previously fired, replaced by David Kyle who was killed, & reinstated recently." Vision says "Will do!" They along with Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Thor Odinson, can and James Rhodes head to a transport to fly to Bristol Cove. Meanwhile in Bristol Cove just as the search for Ben Pownall was to be called off by the US Navy & Bristol Cove Sheriff Department Ben resurfaces from the sea as he's pulled onboard by Helen Hawkins. Ryn greets Ben by saying "Ben I'm glad you are ok thank you for saving Hope from Tia." Ben coughs as he transforms back to his human form and then says "Your welcome anything to help you and Hope." Hope goes over to Ben to hug him as her way of saying thanks for saving her life. Hope says "thank you Ben for saving me." Ben says "You're Welcome Hope." Eliza goes to heal Ben from the injuries he got during the battle with Tia. The boat heads back to the dock as they greeted by the new sheriff Xander McClure their friend who's thrilled to see his best friend alive. Then suddenly he received a text from his ex girlfriend US Navy Lieutenant Nichole Martinez telling him that she's alive and had been in hiding after Commander David Kyle wanted her dead. Hours later the Avengers land in Bristol Cove as they head to the US Naval base. Steve tells Wanda & Vision to head into town while he & the others investigate the base. Wanda disguises Vision as a human due to his Android form not being from Earth. At Ben's house Ben calls Maddie and Robb to inform them that he's alive & well as both Maddie & Robb are in the South Pacific cleaning up the garbage patch in the ocean. Maddie says "Ben I'm glad you are alive. Ben says "Maddie I'm turning into a merman it's not just the stem cells I had been ejecting myself with but also remember when I had that vision of what if I had saved Ian from drowning?" Maddie replies "yeah?" Ben then says "It because of Ryn's song and the stem cells are reasons why I was transforming into a merman." Meanwhile Wanda & Vision explore Bristol Cove. They head to Helen's shop as they pick up some activity from there. Helen greets Wanda & Vision just as Ryn senses something with them when Helen says "stop!" just as Ryn calms down. Wanda says "I'm Wanda, & this is Vision we were sent here by S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate the recent activity that happened here and also the stem cell research that happened."Ryn says "I'm Ryn." Wanda says "Nice meet you Ryn." Vision walks through the counter just as Helen is shocked as Ryn tries to attack Vision as her hand goes through him with Ben and Helen calming her down. Ben says "You both are with the Avengers." Vision says "yes we are." Ryn asked Vision "How did you do that?" Vision says "Ryn I'm not human at all I'm a Synthezoid and I was built by Tony Stark as a result of Jarvis being merged with the mind stone while my body was originally created by Ultron" Meanwhile at the Naval station Steve and the other Avengers meet up with Admiral Harrison. Harrison tells Rogers, Stark, & Banner about what Tia did and the stem cells. Then Steve asks to see Hunter the former mermaid who was part of Ryn's tribe, then joined Tia's tribe. The Avengers are taken to see Hunter's cell. Hunter talks to Steve and says "Tia told me if she had failed she had a backup plan if all else failed." Steve asked "What was this plan?" Hunter says "Tia had been in contact with this alien calling himself Ronan the Accuser." Steve asked "Ronan the Accuser?!" Hunter says "Tia said in case she was killed she made a deal with Ronan to revive her." Tony says "Steve I will get in touch with Nick, and even Star Lord." Back at Helen's shop Wanda & Vision bond with Hope as well as learn about Ryn's backstory. Ryn tells Wanda & Vision about how she & Ben met while introducing them to Eliza, Levi, Mate, and the rest of her tribe. Then Wanda tells Ryn about her backstory while also talking about Ultron & her brother Pietro.

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