Background Info.

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You are Emma's older sister y/n. You're older by seven years. As the first born of Snow and Charming, you have light magic, and a special kind of magic called Mind Magic, which means that you are immune to any memory magic as well as telepathic abilities. You do not have savior level magic like Emma, but you do still have magic, which you were never able to practice. At the age of 7, you were sent through the portal with Emma to make sure that she is never alone. As Emma grew, you tried to tell her of your family, and try to keep her belief alive, but each year that you told Emma of her role in the curse, she started to believe you made it up to cope with the fact that yall were abandoned. You never lost your belief. You and Emma went into the Foster Care System, unfortunately when Emma was 3, and you 10, yall were separated. You were fostered and soon adopted by a couple in Mississippi who for 12 years, helped you search for your sister. When you find her, she is 11, and you are 18. After seeing her again and promising you would find a way to get her back, she, unbeknownst to you, runs away from her current foster home to find you, but instead is caught by the authorities, and put back into the system. You had lost her again. So then when you heard word of Emma being in prison for theft, you were relieved as well as confused, and knew you had to get to her. You are there when she gets out, and you vow never to leave her side again. The two of you move to Boston to start over, Emma as a bail bonds person, and you as a fish store owner. Before you know it, a little boy is knocking on you and Emma's shared apartment door and you are whisked away to Storybrooke, Maine.

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