Once I get to the locker room, I take my jersey off, throw it in the laundry bin, then sit in my locker as everyone comes and sits down.

"Hey." Kelley aggressively says. "Don't you ever fucking speak to my wife like that again."

"Fuck off." I say. "I'll speak how I wanna speak."

"You know you're only here because you almost got shot."

"Kelley I swear." Ash says. "I'm gonna fucking punch you."

"Well it's about time you talk to me about that Kelley." I say.

"I talked to you about it." Kelley says.

"Kelley everyone here called or texted me after I almost got shot by the cops." I say. "Everyone except you and your selfish ass wife."

"Don't..." Carli says, but I cut her off.

"Bitch I was open 10 mother fucking times and you never passed once." I say.

"I mean she's not wrong." Someone mumbles.

"You're only here because of your last name." Kelley says.

"KELLEY." A bunch of my teammates as I get in Kelley's face.

"Of course I'm only here because of my last name you dumb fucking cunt." I say.


"Because of my last name I'm still alive Kelley." I say. "And if my last name wasn't Heath then I'd be getting raped again and again and again and again and again and again and again until I couldn't take it anymore and I'd end up killing myself."

I take a deep breathe then I look at my least favorite teammate.

"Kelley you told me back in August that I could be anything I wanted to be." I say. "I guess you meant that I could be anything I wanted to be as long as I didn't take your job."


"Kelley are you drunk?" I ask

"No." Kelley says as her eyes widen.

"Then why can I smell it on your breath?" I say

"I'm not drunk." Kelley says. "I'm sober."

"Well that's bullshit." Mama and Becky say.

"What'd you mean?" Carli asks

"Your wife's room is littered with beer bottles and beer cans." I say then Mama and Becky nod.

"She cleans her shit up when you come to visit." Mama says.

"Face it Kelley." I say. "You're a drunk."

"Am not." Kelley says

"Really?" I question

Kelley doesn't say anything so I sigh then I zip open her bag and pull out the small flask in it.

"Then how do you explain this?" I ask then I toss the flask to Carli.

"Vodka?" Carli questions. "Kelley you said you'd stop."

"I have." Kelley says.

"Kelley until you admit your an alcoholic, don't ever let my name come out of your mouth." I say.

"Dammit Kelley." Carli says then she grabs her stuff and leaves the locker room.

"CARLI." Kelley shouts then she grabs her bags and follows her wife. "CARLI WAIT."

After Carli and Kelley leave, I sit back down in my locker.

"Kimora?" Mama says as she and Mom squat in front of me. "Why are you crying?"

"Why am I here?" I ask. "All I do is mess up and cause trouble."

"Oh sweetie" Mom says then she sits in my lap and brings my head to her chest. "You didn't cause any trouble."

"Everyone except Carli knew about Kelley's problem with booze." Pinoe says from the locker next to me.

"I should just disappear." I mumble.

"Bitch." Ash says. "If you disappear then you will have 23 or more woman searching the world looking for you."

"I'm not worth it." I mumble.

"You are worth it." Mom says.

"And for the rest of your life we will show you how worthy you are." Mama says.

"Okay." I dejectedly say.

"I know you don't believe us." Mom says. "But we'll do everything in our power to make you see how worthy of love you are."

I decide not to push the subject any more so I lean into Mom.

"Can we go see Charlie?" I ask.

"Yeah Baby." Mama says. "We can go see Charlie."

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