Year 6 - The Cave

Start from the beginning

"COME ON WE NEED TO MOVE! HELP ME WITH DUMBLEDORE!" Hermione shouted as she supported him. Harry joined her on Dumbledore's other side as they pulled him with them while fighting the creatures. They made it to the boat and sat Dumbledore down on it. Harry and Hermione got on too. They looked and saw the inferi coming to the boat and blocking where they needed to go.


Dumbledore reached up and grabbed the sleeve of Hermione's robe. She looked down and saw he was holding his wand to her. "You know the spell..."

Hermione grabbed the wand pointed it around them.

"I hope this works and hope I can control it..." She cast the Fiendfyre curse. Fire burst out of the wand. She circled it around them. The creatures either burned or dove back underneath the water. She created a path back to the other shore watching for any of the inferi coming back up toward them, just to burn to ash. They reached the end and got out of the boat and walked out of the cave. Before more of the creatures could follow Hermione closed the entrance once more. 

Once passed the wards Hermione apparated them back to Hogsmeade. 

"Snape...we need to get to Snape...he will heal me."

Madam Rosemerta ran out to them. "Professor Dumbledore...thank God...what's going on at the school?"

Harry and Hermione looked in the direction of the school. In the sky, you could see the Dark Mark. 

Hermione paled realizing it was that time and Draco finished it completely now.

Dumbledore's face hardened, "Rosmerta, can we borrow some brooms?"

She nodded and ran inside, coming back with three brooms handing it to them. They quickly flew off back to the school and arrived at the Astronomy Tower, which was under the Dark Mark.

As soon as they landed they heard footsteps coming up from the bottom of the stairs. Dumbledore grabbed his wand from Hermione and motioned them to back up. Dumbledore quickly froze Harry and  Hermione quickly placed both of them under an invisibility charm.

"Expelliarmus!" a voice shouted out and Dumbledore's wand flew from his hand. "Who were you talking to?"

Harry and Hermione knew it was Draco who was speaking. 

" one really just some old man mumblings."

"Who else is here?"

Dumbledore ignored the scared boy's question and instead questioned him, "Who are you working with, Draco?"

"There-There are death eaters here...fighting off your-your guard dogs..." Draco's voice was shaky and wand trembling.

"Come on Draco get on with it...kill me..."

Draco couldn't say anything just stood there shaking and staring at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled, " are not a killer...your heart is too good..."

Draco still couldn't say anything. 

"You smuggled in death"

"The-the vanishing cabinet...the twin is at Burkes. It created a passageway."

"Was there anything else you did?"

"The cursed necklace and the one else was supposed to get hurt...those were accidents."

"Ahh...I see..."

"Snape...Snape is a double agent he's been lying to know...even now."

"Draco...if you were really going to kill would have done it by now instead of talk..."

"I-I HAVE TOO! You don't understand! He'll kill my"

"Draco the Order can help you and your family...we can hide you..."

Draco thought for a moment and started lowering his wand, sadly the door opened once again as death eaters came in; Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Yaxley, Rowle, Gibbon, Bellatrix, and Greyback. Draco raised his wand once again.

"Well...well...looky here! Well done Draco," Bellatrix said smirking happily. 

"Come on Malfoy finish him," Yaxley smirked.

Draco with his wand raised didn't say anything.

Greyback scowled, "he's too much like his mother...weak...he doesn't have it in him."

"Give him a second...COME ON DRACO...NOW!" Bellatrix switched from calm to screaming in a second. 

Draco still did not move, but before more was said the door opened once again. Snape came in, "Stop! I'll do it..."

Snape walked forward in front of Draco and pointed his wand at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore sighed. "Severus...Please..."

The silence stretched for a moment.

"Avada Kedavra!" 

The green light left the wand and hit straight onto Dumbledore's heart. The force of the spell threw Dumbledore off the platform and he fell to the ground below.

Hermione knew it was the end of an era...and a start of a messy war...

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