Chapter 4 - Bake

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(Forgot to add this earlier but that was Ruth's outfit!😭)

We started off with a race, and I was pretty much yelling at the top of my lungs when Shay beat us again. This man has the most beautiful face, yet he has to suck at driving. I should've taken the wheel and raced her myself.

"God, what did I ever do to deserve this punishment? Why did you put me in the same car as him? He can't even win in a freaking race," I complain as I lean my head back on my seat. He looks at me in disbelief after the words I spoke. "It's not my fault you're so- you-" I give him a curious look as I wait for him to finish his sentence. "I'm so what?" I ask with a scowl.

"Distracting," he mutters under his breath as his expression softens, and he doesn't take his eyes off mine.

What did he just say? Did I just hear him say that I distract him? If this is a dream, god, you need to wake me up now.

I wait there with a blank expression on my face as I wait for God to wake me up finally...Or not. I quickly pinch my arm to see if that would work, but unfortunately, I was still sitting beside him in his car as he was following Shay's car to my house. I'm surprised he didn't catch me pinching myself.

That's it I'm doomed.

I clear my throat, "Well, I just seem to have that effect on people," I respond as I turn my head away from him and stare at the road ahead. I try to look at him from the corner of my eye, and I can see the grin stretched out on his face.  I roll my eyes and look out the window.

The rest of the drive went by in silence, but we could still hear our friend's music blast from their car. We finally reached my house, which was an Italian-style mansion that I lived in with my Abuelita.

Yes, she still lives with me. But the old woman can barely breathe. She's stuck in a room with multiple tubes attached to her body, slowly but surely dying from old age. If I had the wicked heart she had, I would leave her out to die on her own, the same way she left Shay and I on the streets to survive on our own. But unlike her, I have a heart, and I know what it's like not to have anyone there to care for you at your worst.

Shay had the security open the gates for us. They have my order to open the gates for Shay and my friends only. I keep the guards around because this town is filled with many burglars. And being one of the wealthiest people in a small town comes with lots of hate, jealousy, and complications.

"You have good taste in houses. I'm impressed."

"Thank you," I respond with a cheeky smile.

"What do you do, love?" he asks as he parks his car at the front.

"I bake."

"You bake?" he asks with an eyebrow arched up as if he doesn't believe me. Why would that be so unbelievable for him?

"Yes, I bake. Did you not hear me the first time, darling" I mock him.

He lets out a chuckle. "You bake, and you live in a mansion this big" He asks me as I make my way out of the car and slam his car door. I could tell that pissed him off by the way his jaw twitched, and he gave me a death glare.

He stays in his car, Obviously. I folded my arms and rested them on his window.

"Actually, I own a bakery. And yes, I bake and own a mansion this big. Why is that so unbelievable to you?" I ask in curiosity.

"It's not unbelievable, sweetheart. I'm proud of you for your achievement. Maybe one day I can visit your bakery." He says as his lips pull up into a smile, exposing his dimples.

Damn, you, Zane. This man has everything you can look for in a guy when it comes to looks. I mean, he's charming too. He has a British accent, a deep voice, nice style, AND DIMPLES? And you're saying I'm not stuck in a dream or something? I mean, a man that looks like him has to only exist in dreams, right?

So far, I like his supportiveness too. "Maybe, one day," I respond with a smile. He returns the gestures. "Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight, Zane."

I walk off to Shay's car. I thought they would be out by now, but they were still inside the vehicle.

"There she is!!" They all cheer out of nowhere and go silent as I give them a confused look.

Were they talking about me?

"Uhm, what's going on?" I ask as I give them a stern look. "What? Nothing. We're just happy to see you. How was the drive with lover boy?" Aria teases me.

"How was the drive with lover boy?" I mock them in annoyance as I roll my eyes and fold my hands on my chest. "Okay, Ms. Attitude," Asia yells from the backseat.

"Anyways, I'm going inside. It was great meeting you, boys. I had lots of fun. You guys can hang around here if you want, but I'm going to bed. I've got work tomorrow," I say as I salute them and walk up the steps to my house.

"Byeee Ruzane!" Axel yells from the car as I get inside. I raise both of my middle fingers up in the air as I slam the door shut and take a deep breath.

"Home, sweet home," I whisper to myself.

"Ruth!" Chloe calls from the kitchen. Chloe is the woman that took care of Shay and I when my Abuelita threw us on the streets. If it weren't for her, I don't think I would be where I am today. She found us when she was in her 20's. She was a teacher at a middle school. Now, she's in her 50s.

"Hi, Chloe!" I greet her as she walks over to me from the kitchen and gives me a warm hug. She was the closest thing I've had to a mother. "How was your night out?" She asks as she leads me to the kitchen. "It was great. The girls and I went for a drive, met some guys on the road. They're out at the front, by the way, if you want to see them."

"I think I'll pass." She chuckles.

"Yeah, the girls seem to get along with them," I add. "And you?" She asks. "Do you get along with them?"

"Well, yeah. They're nice guys. I mean, they're fun to hang around with." I respond as I hop on one of the stools placed around the kitchen island. "So why don't you stay out with them? Have some fun with one of the guys. You're a 23-year-old virgin. My goodness, how do you do it?" She shakes her head and scoffs at me.

"Ouch," I respond, placing a hand on my chest. Chloe walks over to the fridge and takes out some leftover pie. "Hungry?" She asks. "For your famous homemade pie? Always!" I respond as I throw my hands in the air in excitement. "Jesus, you're still a child." She rolls her eyes.

"Hey, you're extra mean today. What's going on?" I ask with a frown. "Your grandmother had a bad fever today. I think her days are coming to an end," she says as she microwaves the pie. "Finally," I let out a deep breath and let my shoulders relax.

"Did she repeat anything about Shay and I?"

"Just the usual, that you're a disgrace to the family and that she would rather die than live under the same roof as you." Chloe sighs as we hear the microwave beep, and she sets out the pie on the island.

If it were up to me, I would have ended her life years ago. God, just kill her already. What's taking you so long?

"Ungrateful old fart." I scoff as I grab a fork and a knife and slice the pie. Both Chloe and I finished the pie at once and made jokes about my Abuelita. We were both trying our best to hold ourselves from laughing so hard.

"Her weak ass probably has to keep a tight grip on the doctor's hand when she's trying to take a shit." Chloe manages to say in between her laughs. I hurled out in laughter again as I tried to imagine her struggling to take a shit.

"Okay, that's- that's enough for the night. I have work tomorrow, and I've gotta sleep," I manage to say as I wipe the tears off my face from laughing too much. "Are your friends staying over?" Chloe asks as she cleans the table. "The girls are," I respond as I give her a goodnight kiss on the cheek and make my way up the stairs.


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